Correcting-recreational classes with use of athletic gymnastics means for 15-17-year-old schoolgirls of special medical group


N.N. Trifonova


Correcting-recreational classes with use of athletic gymnastics means for 15-17-year-old schoolgirls of special medical group
N.N. Trifonova
Ural federal university named after the First President of Russia B.N. El'tsyn, Yekaterinburg
Key words: special medical group, 15-17 year-old schoolgirls, athletic gymnastics, fitness, health.
The purpose of the present paper was theoretical substantiation, work and introduction of into practice of work with senior schoolchildren of special medical group of more effective means and methods of physical culture, facilitating correction of diseases and increase of the level of physical health in view of individual features of every trainee.
The results of conducted researches testify to the fact that rational use of standard exercises from remedial gymnastics and means of athletic gymnastics renders an integrated correcting effect. Exercises of regional and local character with weights promote tone correction and strengthening of segmental backbone muscles at scoliosis, facilitate decrease of its deformation. Along with improvement of indices of physical and functional preparedness and somatic health nonspecific positive effect of means of athletic gymnastics on the functional features of oculogyric apparatus was revealed in young girls of the experimental group.
The technique of occupations of athletic gymnastics weigh the use of load in combined and aerobic regimes (with intensity of 40-70% from maximum possible weight) render favorable effect on improvement of power abilities, development of endurance, increase indices of physical, functional preparedness and health level of senior schoolgirls of special medical group.
The subjected organized form of classes with young girls of special medical group promotes decrease of deficiency of motor activity, increases physical fitness and health level without increasing (the number of comprehensive hours) the number of classes.
The approved experimental program on athletic gymnastics of correctional-recreative orientation for 15-17-year-old schoolchildren referred to special medical group by the state of health can be successfully used in the educational process of comprehensive schools and institutions of continuous education.
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