Abilitation of preschool children with infantile cerebral paralysis within pedagogical support of their families


N.A. Poletaeva, postgraduate


Abilitation of preschool children with infantile cerebral paralysis within pedagogical support of their families
N.A. Poletaeva, postgraduate
Ural federal university named after the First President of Russia B.N. El'tsyn, Yekaterinburg
Key words: abilitation, infantile cerebral paralysis, pedagogical support, social adaptation.
Children with severe forms of ICP frequently do not go to preschool institutions due to the lack of specialized groups. It deprives them of the opportunity to get full-value correctional help and short-term hospital treatment (2–3 times a year) does not solve the problem. Parents of children with ICP do not know the capacities of abilitation process, correctional methods and technologies. Besides pedagogical ignorance there exists a problem of psychological alienation of the family with a child with ICP, influencing negatively the abilitation process of preschool children.
The purpose of the present paper was to determine effectiveness of abilitation of preschool children with ICP within family pedagogical support.
The process of pedagogical support of families with preschool children with ICP by means of abilitation is to include monitoring of formation of motor skills, development and use of abilitation measures directed to formation of social adaptation, study ofparents' attitude to children. forecasting of the process of child development, monitoring of effectiveness of realization of abilitation program. There were allocated negative emotions in parents (100 %) related to preschool children with ICP. Individual program of child motor development should be well adapted depending on the child's capacities and specifics of his family.
Organization of pedagogical support of families promoted substantial improvement of motor development of all children taking part in the research, development of positive attitude to themselves and their child from the parents' side, increase of social adaptation of families with children with ICP.
The study proved that at directed organization of the process of family pedagogical support expert should not always be present at classes. With consultative and controlling help rendered to family by experts parents can independently organize the process of abilitation, make monitoring and adequately estimate the results of abilitation measures.
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