Unification of evaluation criteria of physical preparedness ofstudents at introduction to unified european educational environment


S.G. Nagovitsyn, associate professor, Ph.D.


Unification of evaluation criteria of physical preparedness ofstudents at introduction to unified european educational environment
S.G. Nagovitsyn, associate professor, Ph.D.
Izhevsk law institute (branch) of RLA of Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation
I.G. Gibadullin, professor, Dr.Hab.
Izhevsk state technical university, Izhevsk
Key words: evaluation criteria, Bologna declaration, standard, basic, special, sports.
The purpose of the present paper was to allocate certain variants of criteria and standards of evaluation of results on physical education in conditions of credit based modular system, that could objectively reflect the real indices in view of level of preparedness and students' state of health.
Lack of evaluation criteria and standards prevents from reflecting the real state of the level of preparedness of certain student. Therefore in case of the lack of indication of student's belonging to this or that department (group) in the appendix to diploma, the facts of baseless "joining" of special medical group by dishonest students are expected to make it easy to get a positive mark and pass set state standards on physical education. Only the mark of student's belonging to thi or that group and the number of "acquired scores can be an objective determinant of the real level of physical preparedness of the certain student.
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