Effectiveness of technique of development of speed-power abilities and endurance in junior footballers within year training cycle


A.V. Antipov, Ph.D.


Effectiveness of technique of development of speed-power abilities and endurance in junior 18-14-year-old footballers within year training cycle
A.V. Antipov, Ph.D.
P.V. Makeev, senior teacher
Russian state university of physical culture, sport, youth and tourism (SCOLIPC), Moscow
Key words: junior footballers, speed-power abilities, endurance, biological age.
Success in organization of training process with junior footballers in many aspects depends on the due use of means of training effect and its advisable graduation.
Allocation of standards of motor activity requires strict differentiation in compliance with age. The view of age features of development of motor qualities it is necessary first of all to determine effective technique of its perfection and allocation of acceptable training loads.
Research methods included analysis of guidance literature, pedagogical observation, control pedagogical tests, dynamometry, pedagogical experiment and methods of mathematical statistics.
Comparative analysis of results of dynamometry testifies to the fact that 12-year-old athletes of the experimental group anticipated footballers training in the control group in the power of muscles unbending thigh, muscle power grades bending and unbending calf. In the group of 13-year-old footballers the advantage of athletes of the experimental group was marked in the power of muscles unbending thigh (р<0,05). Footballers of the experimental group were better than their coevals in the control one in the power of all studied muscles and grade of power of muscles unbending calf.
While training 12-14-aged footballers in the structure of the year cycle special attention is to be paid to development of speed-power abilities and special endurance to increase the level of their physical qualities in view of allocated volumes of specific and nonspecific training means, promoting effective solution of technical-tactical tasks within game activity.
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