Intercultural communcation of traditions of Eastern and Russian single combat (in terms of junior taekwondokas training)


D.P. Yuzhakov, postgraduate


Intercultural communcation of traditions of Eastern and Russian single combat (in terms of junior taekwondokas training)
D.P. Yuzhakov, postgraduate
E.A. Korotkova, professor, Dr.Hab.
Institute of physical culture of Tyumen state university, Tyumen
Key words: single combat, education, knowledge, method, culture, technique, motor activity, communication.
In the research there has been developed a technique of training junior taekwondokas using means and methods of intercultural communication. Physical exercises were referred to means of intercultural communication including deciphered set of formal exercises "phumse" and armed combat with changes due to weapon evolution. The methods – game method with themes of Russian epic and Eastern fables.
While designing the quoted technique there were taken into account the fundamentals of the common approach to initial taekwondo-WTF training, combination of motor actions and ways of development of physical qualities were traditional.
Comparison of technical level of performance of blows in the experimental and control groups after experimental work revealed great majority of the experimental group in execution of complicated blows, which time of education is same limited at traditional and modified methods. The positive dynamics is assumed to be explained by quick adaptation of pupils to nonstandard conditions and expanded range of used means in conditions of game method with the plot contents, when pupils have to show their hidden capacities.
The view of Soviet national features and eastern traditions in teaching junior taekwondokas to tactics of conducting a combat resulted in the increase of the level of their operational-tactical thinking in a combat (sport sparring). fuller use of physical abilities and technical skills, better development of the sense of distance, successful use of counterblows (the use of which represents a more reasonable type of technique in taekwondo-WTF for Russian athletes, taking into account our national peculiarities).
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