Sports orientation at comprehensive school


A.A. Doroshin, candidate


Sports orientation at comprehensive school
A.A. Doroshin, candidate
L.I. Lubysheva, professor, Dr.Hab.
Russian state university of physical culture, sport, youth and tourism (SCOLIPC), Moscow
Key words: sports orientation, modular technology, schoolchildren, lesson of physical culture.
In crease of requirements to athlete' personality predetermined arising theory of sports orientation having been started to develop in Russia and abroad in the middle of the 60-s but now its development remains especially acute.
As the first unit in the system of long-term training of elute athletes the problem of sports orientation remains the object of attention of researchers of different specialties. The problem of sports orientation of talented children is in constant search, perfection and further development. Scientifically substantiated methods of selection of children to sport schools and forecasting of their future results becomes an acute stage and essential part of the modern athletes' training system from beginners to world-class athletes. Focus on sports gifted children is closely correlated with acute matters of optimization of the whole process of training of sports reserves, mastering of organizational forms of work, educative and training methods.
The technology subjected by the authors can be a link between comprehensive and children's schools of Olympic reserve and will promote attracting as many children to sports environment as possible facilitating their social defence from negative street effect and dubious places of leisure.
The purpose of the technology is sports orientation and children's acquaintance with Olympic single combat realized on the lessons of physical culture at comprehensive school.
The subjected approaches to allocation of children's abilities and directed sports orientation within the lesson of physical culture at comprehensive school were proved to be a perspective direction in development of children sport.
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