Individually-typological features of senior schoolchildren as factors of their readiness for university studies
Individually-typological features of senior schoolchildren as factors of their readiness for university studies
S.S. Kirillova, associate professor, Ph.D.
V.P. Gladenkova, associate professor, Ph.D.
T.G. Elizarenko, assistant
Astrakhan state technical university, Astrakhan
Key words: senior schoolchildren, social risk group, fitness, level of physical health, psychological features, readiness for university studies.
The purpose of the present paper was to determine individually-typological features of 11-formers referred to the social risk group and study of their readiness for education in new social conditions.
The information received promotes systematization of means and methods in accordance with personal features and interests in different forms of sports activity.
According to statements of educative-training work with disadapted pupils (allocated in specialized literature), organization of classes of physical culture should presuppose:
– study and analysis of sickness rate and level of development of basic motor skills of pupils of regional comprehensive schools;
– selection of means of physical education proceeding from pupils' interests, their individuality and existence of the corresponding sports base at school.
Therefore as means of physical education the researchers recommend using game sports (basketball, streetball, piterbasket) with the target of development of motor abilities and mental features of the engaged ones along with specialized respiratory exercises directed to decrease of mental anxiety, acceleration of recovery processes, intensification of the process of warming-up, support of stable exercise performance in senior schoolchildren from the "risk group".
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