Formation of motivation of schoolchildren to safe living by ethnopedagogical means of physical education


A.A. Sergin, associate professor, Ph.D.


Formation of motivation of schoolchildren to safe living by ethnopedagogical means of physical education
A.A. Sergin, associate professor, Ph.D.
I.I. Portnyagin, professor, Dr.Hab.
North-Eastern federal university named after M.K. Ammosov, Yakutsk
Key words: ethnopedagogics, physical education, motivation to safe living, pedagogical conditions.
The purpose of the present paper was to determine the foundations of realization of pedagogical conditions promoting formation of readiness of schoolchildren for safe living in extreme Northern conditions. In the course of the research there were:
– studied motivations from psychological viewpoint, promoting considering testees in view of dynamic physiological and psychological process, controlling human behavior, determining his direction, self-discipline, activity and balance, human ability to active satisfaction of predisposition to the subject of "Life safety fundamentals";
– worked the basic motivation criteria of pupils of different age groups on the quoted subject at comprehensive schools of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia);
– determined the results of motivation of pupils to studying the subject of "Life safety fundamentals" in the beginning and in the end of the experiment with introduction to the educational process of experimental group of the contents of ethnopedagogic educative means;
– made amendments to the statement on realization of pedagogical conditions providing for formation of schoolchildren's readiness for safe living in extreme Northern conditions;
– revealed motivation levels on different stages of pupils' personal formation and development at training for emergency situations and practical applied activity.
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