Problems of sportization of subject "physical culture" in educational institution


R.A. Abzalov, professor, Dr.Biol.


Problems of sportization of subject "physical culture" in educational institution
R.A. Abzalov, professor, Dr.Biol.
N.I. Abzalov, associate professor, Ph.D.
Ibstitute of physical culture, sport and rehabilitation medicine, Kazan (Volga) federal university, Kazan
Key words: sportization, physical culture, education, heart pumping function, fitness.
The purpose of the present paper was to consider the problems of sportization of the subject of "Physical culture" ina an educational institution.
The theoretically substantiated and practically approved in several Russian schools idea of sportization of the contents of the subject of "Physical culture" at school, subjected by professors V.K. Balsevich and L.I. Lubysheva, is quite acute and can be referred to the number of innovative technologies in the field of education on physical culture and sport.
The idea of sportization of the subject of "Physical culture" solves a number of most essential problems of school sports education and sports activity and the main one here is development of quality of future expert competitiveness.
Using the basic curriculum on school physical culture worked based on state standards, lessons of physical culture can be used in full measure for competitive activity of schoolchildren in view of their sex and age, and extracurricular classes of physical culture - for competitive activity. On extracurricular classes of physical culture in the course of competitive activity teacher of physical culture allocated most gifted pupils in motor aspect and recommends them to expert trainers of specialized children's sports schools for further perfection of their sportsmanship. In children's sports schools trainers determine most gifted junior athletes and direct them to specialized children's sports schools. This is the system of training elite athletes capable of defending the honor of their country in competitions of all levels.
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