Work and use of ergonomic technology in teaching students by individual schedule in university


A.R. Akhmetova, candidate


Work and use of ergonomic technology in teaching students by individual schedule in university of physical culture (on the example of "Information science")
A.R. Akhmetova, candidate. Chaykovsky state institute of physical culture, Chaykovsky
Key words: technology of education, students of individual study schedule, structural-logical technology of criterion-oriented education.
The analysis of modern trends of development of theory and practice of teaching in humanitarian universities (including sport specialties) has proved that pedagogical technologies are most effective and perspective in university practice.
The present study is the first to consider the process of getting knowledge by students training by the individual study schedule on the specialty of "Physical culture and sport" using elements of distance education and means of case technology. The researchers have worked a structure and optimal model of ergonomic integrated technology in the sphere of physical culture and sport in view of the theory of the origin of "case method". There have been developed the conceptual basics and principles of the system structural-logical criterion-oriented approach and realizing it technology supplemented to the concept of individualization of university studies.
The carried out statistical analysis have revealed authentic variety in assessments of students of full time and extra-mural education along with students; evaluations of individual and extra-mural courses. The assessments of students of full-time and individual course vary inauthentically.
Approximately one third of students of full-time and individual course have got satisfactory marks in the examination compared to more than a half of extramural students.
The comparative analysis of the data received promotes the preliminary conclusion on the acceptable effectiveness of the studying process in case of using the ergonomic integrated technology of teaching "Information science" to the students of Chaykovsky state institute of physical culture from the individual course.
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