Specifics of selection of 10-12-year-old teenagers for weightlifting classes


I.I. Zulaev, associate professor, Ph.D.


Specifics of selection of 10-12-year-old teenagers for weightlifting classes
I.I. Zulaev, associate professor, Ph.D. Moscow state academy of physical culture, Malakhovka, the Moscow region
Key words: weightlifting, primary selection, secondary selection, selection, teenagers, training, physical development, functional indices, control training standards, educative-training groups.
Selection of candidates for weightlifting classes is one of acute modern problems. Since training of weightlifters from the age of 10 has been started quite recently, the authors still have no approved recommendations that would be helpful in allocation of future weightlifter of certain weight category and high class in a teenager.
It used to be recommended to go in for weightlifting only after the process of body formation is finished. The age of the basic beginners' contingent was14-16.
Only very few of them joined the trainings in the younger age. Mostly physically strong, short and hypersthenic persons were selected to sections provoking the viewpoint on the role of weightlifting classes in preventing man from growing.
Proceeding from the working experience with young boys and theoretical generalizations it is possible to offer a set of tests determining such factors as state of teenager's health, physical development and motor qualities.
Such indices as height, weight, wrist power, back extensors etc. are not vital at selection. They change remarkably influenced by physical exercises.
At primary selection special attention is to be paid to young boy's state of health, fitness and motor qualities.
Remarkable functional abilities of cardiovascular system are the basic requirements to health.
Recently the problems of selection of teenagers for weightlifting classes have become more acute not only due to sports and socioeconomic reasons. The problems of involvement of teenagers in classes but not their selection by these or those individual features in compliance with sports specifics come to the forefront. Therefore the task of the trainer is to find such means of selection that will promote motivation of teenagers and creation of the structure of motives based on both program-standard requirements and other additional factors effecting the process.
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