Basics of design of programs of pedagogical effects in large adaptive cycle of junior wrestlers' training


M.V. Abdul'khanova, associate professor, Ph.D.


Basics of design of programs of pedagogical effects in view of individual features in large adaptive cycle of junior wrestlers' training
M.V. Abdul'khanova, associate professor, Ph.D. Moscow state academy of physical culture, Malakhovka, the Moscow region
Key words: competitive activity, educational-training process, junior wrestlers, macrocycle, motor abilities.
The problems of management of educative-training process in teen age have been vital for many years and are still acute at present. The question is how to design an educative-training process in view of not only age features but also individual inclination of junior athlete, stimulate development of individual style of activity, to develop strong and compensate for the weak aspects of junior athlete's fitness. These matters have been in trainers' and scientists' minds for many years.
The researchers offer one of the variants of design of educative-training process taking into account individual-typological development of junior athlete's body and his inclinations that is assumed to promote formation of the optimal structure of motor abilities for the most effecting conducting of competitive activity.
Methods and organization of research. The researchers' pedagogical experiment covered a great adaptive cycle of junior wrestlers' training. There have been revealed individually typological features of junior 13-15-year-old wrestlers. Junior wrestlers were divided into groups by the dominating inclination to type of activity for more effective educative-training influence.
The indices of digital dermatoglyphics of the tested athletes were compared with teenagers not going in for sports and then based on it and junior wrestlers' test results they were divided into 3 groups by the indices of inclination to different kinds of activity.
There were formed three groups of children differing by manifestated motor abilities. The studies result in the conclusion that the curve of the half-year macrocycle acts as a superjacent level related to the curves of mesocycles along with the value and direction of training effects in the latter.
The pedagogical experiment was finished by control combats between wrestlers of the control and experimental groups. Parameters of junior wrestlers' competitive activity, attack effectiveness, consistency of of attacking actions and results in scores were considered in these combats.
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