Technique of realization of program "Learn to play volleyball" in system of additional education of schools
Technique of realization of program "Learn to play volleyball" in system of additional education of comprehensive schools
S.E. Nikitin, postgraduate. Pedagogical institute of physical culture Moscow state pedagogical university, Мoscow
Key words: volleyball, junior schoolchildren, model characteristics, fitness.
The researchers have worked the educational program "Learn to play volleyball" for classes in the system of additional education for primary schoolchildren.
The purpose of the program is formation of the basis of pupils' fitness with their simultaneous mastering of technical means of playing volleyball.
Means in the program are selected in accordance with expert recommendations, when general developing exercises, stretching and classes of other sports are used as means of general physical training of junior volleyballers.
Means of special physical training in the program are based on special preliminary exercises promoting development of physical ability to play volleyball.
Modeling of dynamics of the training process of volleyball players is realized using model characteristics of physical preparedness. In the paper the authors adduced fitness model characteristics of junior volleyball-players reflecting age features of primary schoolchildren.
Selection of these indices reflects the level of development of basic physical qualities necessary for formation of the basics of general fitness level of junior volleyball players. The presented model indices facilitate monitoring of dynamics of development of key physical qualities and making of strategic adjustments in organization of the educational-training process of junior volleyball players.
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