Formation of axiological component of personal physical culture in senior schoolchildren
Formation of axiological component of personal physical culture in senior schoolchildren with different types of religious orientation
S.A. Evtykh, teacher of department of sports-recreational technologies. Kuban state university of physical culture, sport and tourism, Krasnodar
Key words: type of religious orientation, personal physical culture, motivational-value component, axiological component.
The purpose of the present research was to consider the problem of formation of the axiological component of personal physical culture in senior schoolchildren with various religious views.
Taking into account the fact that formation of personal axiological component takes place within social groups, communities, unions with their specific set of values as well as the fact that contradictions between these groups can result in arising of interpersonal value conflict, interiorization of the values of physical culture by senior schoolchildren with different levels of religious ideas is supposed to be effective if:
– to take into account type of religious orientation as a factor of differentiation and individualization of the process of physical education, and to consider formation of schoolchild as the main purpose of pedagogical measures in context of general culture as a subject of personal physical culture, based on harmonization of spiritual and physical powers;
– to lay the model of culture conformable type to the basis constructed in compliance with the principles of humanization, democratization, integration and harmonization of the whole system of values that will promote formation of the motivational-value component of personal physical culture.
Therefore, while forming personal physical culture, based on the model of view of the culture conformable type, built in view of the principles of humanization, democratization, integration and harmonization of the whole system of values (personal, social, religious etc.), personal axiosphere of senior schoolchildren with different types of religious orientation is transformed. Occurring changes consist in development of value attitudes and reflections on a certain level for every personality, when intellectual, spiritual and physical perfection of the subject of educational process is realized in a healthy way of life, in daily sports activity.
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