Effect of psychophysical correction on neurodynamic functions of visually-impaired junior schoolchildren


E.G. Kokoreva, associate professor, Dr.Biol.


Effect of psychophysical correction on neurodynamic functions of visually-impaired junior schoolchildren
E.G. Kokoreva, associate professor, Dr.Biol. South Ural state university, Chelyabinsk
Key words: visually-impaired children, adaptive-compensatory changes, program of recreation and psychophysical correction, development of neurodynamic functions.
The purpose of the present research was to study age features of neurodynamic functions and psychoemotional state in visually-impaired junior schoolchildren and work a program of psychophysical correction for such children.
The worked program differs from other correcting-recreational programs by integrated selection of means of effect on both physical state and mental qualities and spiritual health of children. Creation of positive emotional background at work with children with sensor disorders, constant use of incentives stimulate the feeling of happiness, interest in the world around. It is possible in small groups (5 persons for one teacher) and availability of specially trained teachers mastering the means of psychotherapeutic effect. Children acquire optimism, zest for life, kindness, self-confidence and conviction in future in the course of classes according to the program of psychophysical recreation.
1. The features of age development of neurodynamic functions in visually-impaired children are shown in the low values of their parameters and higher imbalance of age changes compared to healthy coevals. Thus, accuracy of time evaluation in 8-year-old boys, in 7-year-old girls and agility of nervous processes is in 7-year-old boys are lower; fatigue rate is lower in 8-year-old boys and in 7-year-old girls is higher than in healthy children.
2. The program of psychophysical correction applied on early age stages at work with visually impaired children render more effective influence on neurodynamic functions compared to later stages of ontogenesis.
3. Psychophysical correction, creation of positive emotional background while communicating with children provokes in them improvement of psychoemotional state according to decrease of the anxiety index.
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