Role of extracurricular sports-recreational work in decrease of mental tension of first-formers
Role of extracurricular sports-recreational work in decrease of mental tension of first-formers
D.V. Sivakov, postgraduate. Chelyabinsk state pedagogical university, Chelyabinsk
Key words: first-former, sports-recreational work, adaptation, mental tension.
The problem of the research consists in the fact that the lack of individual criteria of pedagogical monitoring from teacher of physical culture results in overwork of first-formers, fatigue of all their functions and systems, increases mental tension and unreasonably increases the adaptive process of education.
The purpose of the present research was experimental substantiation of the extracurricular sport recreational work to decrease psychophysiological tension of first-formers.
Organization and methods of research. The study was based on the secondary school № 148. 22 first-formers took part in the research.
The research methods included analysis of scientific and methods literature, pedagogical conversations, observation, pulsometry, stating experiment, methods of mathematical statistics.
In order to decrease mental tension there was subjected an experimentally substantiated technique of pedagogical monitoring of physical load improving the functional state of first-formers while performing motor actions.
Consequently, the motor activity provoking initial fatigue will cause mental tension in first-formers to a lesser degree and facilitate effective adaptation in the course of education. In this case initial fatigue in the educational process is useful for perfection of mental and functional state of first-formers while carrying out of extracurricular sport-recreational work with them.
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