Diagnostics of conditioned fitness as factor of focused search for sports gifted children
Diagnostics of conditioned fitness as factor of focused search for sports gifted children
L.A. Semenov, professor, Dr.Hab., honored worker of physical culture. Surgut state pedagogical university, Surgut
Key words: sports gifted children, sports selection, conditioned fitness, monitoring.
The problem of selection has been and still is one of key problems in sports sphere. Unfortunately, none of the available works have crude data on the great number of sports gifted children, if there exist any at all along with sometimes terrible idea on physical degradation of the growing generation.
The purpose of the present research was to consider assessment of preconditions of conducting a focused search for sports gifted children in Russia (on the example of the Sverdlovsk region).
High indices of conditioned fitness served the basic evaluation criteria. It is conditioned fitness shown in the level of development of conditioned physical qualities and determining human functional status that is one of the most acute factors of success in any sport and most widely used in the initial selection.
It is necessary to mark that at assessment indices of conditioned fitness of junior schoolchildren (7 11-year-old) were used since they usually start going in for sports in this age and the initial selection is realized then correspondingly.
Nowadays great number of junior schoolchildren has a high level of development of single conditioned physical qualities. Moreover, which is especially important, many of them have a high level of development of physical qualities (two, three, four or even five).
Therefore, the preconditions of realization of focused search for sports gifted children in Russia by the feature of their conditioned fitness are obvious.
It is necessary to take into account the essential fact that in most cases the number of children with a high level of development of both single physical qualities and a set of these qualities dominates in small towns. Herewith the least number of such children lives in big cities and in the rural area. This fact should be taken into account while making the focused search for sports gifted children.
Monitoring of the fitness state conducting of which is approved by a number of federal legal documents is determinative in organization of the focused search for sports gifted children by the feature of high level of development of their conditioned physical qualities.
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