Unity of physical and labour education as precondition of formation of technological culture of pupils based on ethnoaesthetics


G.A. Nikitin, associate professor, Ph.D.


Unity of physical and labour education as precondition of formation of technological culture of pupils based on ethnoaesthetics
G.A. Nikitin, associate professor, Ph.D. Chuvash state pedagogical university named after I.Ya. Yakovlev, Cheboksary
Key words: nature conformable development, formation of technological culture, ethnoaesthetic didactics.
The purpose of the present research was to consider the unity of physical and labour education as a precondition of formation of technological culture of pupils based on ethnoaesthetics.
Aesthetics of national games in the form of physical exercises is used as a pedagogical mean focused on creation of conditions of active rest. The research results prove viability of such components of ethnoaesthetic didactics. They unassumingly facilitate increase of exercise performance, perception of the concept of labour and health as a general human value, teach nature conformably to be kind, hard-working, value nature as a health agent, love the beauty of native country. Culturological approach to conducting of such classes is a kind of school of health saving, ethnosocialization of pupils.
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