Athletic gymnastics as recreational-developing type of occupations of gymnastic exercises


M.A. Lubshev, associate professor


Athletic gymnastics as recreational-developing type of occupations of gymnastic exercises
M.A. Lubshev, associate professor. A.V. Menkhin, professor, Ph.D. Russian state university of physical culture, sport, youth and tourism, Moscow
Key words: power training, power potential, distinctive features of athletic gymnastics, means and methods of occupations.
In the theory and methods of physical education there has been set a situation when athletic gymnastics is assumed to be the use of different forms of power training to settle the tasks of power development of single body parts.
The purpose of the present research was to specify and remember the original concept of "athletic gymnastics" as one of mass and health-improving types of occupations of gymnastic exercises with its characteristic features of means of the same type of power training and corresponding methods rules of organization of occupations.
The studies resulted in the conclusion that occupations of athletic gymnastics are one of mass kinds of gymnastics promoting creation and perfection of the human "power potential" and solution of private recreational tasks. Herewith the quoted type of gymnastics has a wide reference public: for the ones who train with different levels of preparedness, various motives of selection of exercises, of different age, with the capacity of a rather precise specification of physical load.
Athletic gymnastics as an independent and specific kind of occupations of gymnastic exercises can be successfully combined with other kinds of exercises and serve an additional mean of influence in the system of "integrated" gymnastic occupations and extend the capacities of physical and motor perfection.
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