Dynamics of flexibility in joints of female athletes in rhythmic gymnastics within long-term training


A.S. Ismailova, postgraduate


Dynamics of flexibility in joints of female athletes in rhythmic gymnastics within long-term training
A.S. Ismailova, postgraduate. A.V. Menkhin, professor, Ph.D. L.A. Novikova, associate professor, Ph.D. Russian state university of physical culture, sport, youth and tourism, Moscow
Key words: flexibility, dynamics of flexibility in joints, flexibility development on stages of sports training.
The study was aimed at rationalization of the technique of development of key physical qualities flexibility in particular of elite female rhythmic gymnasts.
Thus long-term training of female rhythmic gymnasts is associated with formation of certain direction in development of flexibility in joints on single training stages:
1) on the first stage - focused flexibility development in an educational-training process at general basic varieties of its manifestation and activity in "working" joints;
2) on the second stage – profile "typological" flexibility development associated with execution of movements of certain structural groups and its realization while mastering different movements with ultimate manifestation of flexibility in joints;
3) on the third stage – maintenance of high level of flexibility manifestation, promoting demonstration of high tech performance of compositions in competitive conditions.
The specifics of organization of development and improvement of the quality of flexibility within long-term training of female gymnasts is to be based on selection of adequate means of effect and corresponding gradual planning of tasks of formation of physical and motor potentials.
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