Structure and contents of motivation to sports activity in 10-12-year-old tennis players
Structure and contents of motivation to sports activity in 10-12-year-old tennis players
I. Pavlov. Russian state university of physical culture, sport, youth and tourism, Moscow
Key words: sports activity, motivation to sports activity.
The purpose of the present research was to study the structure and contents of motivation to sports activity in 10-12-year-old tennis players.
Studies in the field of sports psychology and pedagogics show that at the same level of athletes' preparedness it is the factor of motivation to sports activity that plays a critical role. It becomes especially acute in the course of training of junior athletes, whose success in physical and technical-tactical training is caused by the contents of key motives and is an impulse for sports activity, maintains the necessary level of activity within training and competition, controls the contents of athlete's activity, gives to trainer an opportunity to range pedagogical means and methods used to achieve desirable results.
The authors allocate the following aspects in motivation of junior athlete as a subject of educational sports and competitive activities in view of activity approach based on the analysis of psychological-pedagogical literature which are the following: characteristics of motivation to sports activity and procedural characteristics reflecting the motives and purposes of sports activity effecting the process, means and result of sports activity.
In compliance with the quoted criteria there was conducted an empiric examination based on the specialized children's sports school of CSKA, in sports complex "Valeri", tennis academy of Sh. Tarpischev. 38 tennis players in the age of 10–12 took part in the research.
The results promote the work of the technology of formation of motivation facilitating effective involvement of 10-12-year-old tennis players in sports activity.
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