Organizational-methods aspects of early sports orientation
Organizational-methods aspects of early sports orientation
V.L. Botyaev, associate professor, Ph.D. V.N. Boyko, Ph.D. Surgut state pedagogical university, Surgut
Key words: sports selection and orientation, model characteristics, diagnostics, integrated examination.
The purpose of the present research was conceptual theoretical analysis of the set situation, search for unified methodological approaches to perfection of the system of sports selection, creation of scientifically substantiated sports orientation programs promoting mass examination and test of children and teenagers in the beginning for overall orientation to sports classes followed by classes of certain sport.
Solution of the problem of sports selection is associated with a wide range of matters settled by science and practice. The problem of sports orientation and forecasting of sports achievements is one of the key ones.
The existing wide spectrum of sports extends individual capacities to achieve mastership in one kinds of sports activity. Weak manifestation of personal and qualitative features regarding one of kind of sport can not be considered as a lack of sports capacities at all. Less preferable features in one kind of sports activity can seem favourable and will facilitate high effectiveness in the other one. Thus integral assessment of all registered parameters of model characteristics is necessary with obligatory estimation of individual rates of biological development.
Sports orientation carried out based on momentary measurements even based on great number of registered parameters fails to give an objective assessment of perspectives of junior athlete. Gradual, returnable research is required promoting estimation of both stability of individual levels of development and rates of increase of the basic parameters of model characteristics.
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