Specific features of physical rehabilitation of students with bearing defects in university conditions


I.N. Kafidov, associate professor, Ph.D.


Specific features of physical rehabilitation of students with bearing defects in university conditions
I.N. Kafidov, associate professor, Ph.D. S.I. Alexeeva, associate professor, Ph.D. Pedagogical institute of physical culture, Moscow
Key words: student, educational-training process, physical rehabilitation, bearing defects, remedial gymnastics.
The purpose of the present research was experimental substantiation of the technique of classes of adaptive physical culture with students with bearing defects.
The work of the technique of adaptive physical culture is one of perspective directions of optimization of the system of physical education of students with bearing defects.
The studies prove the necessity of search for new means and forms of education and recreation directed to perfection of physical education of students with expressed bearing defects.
The integrated approach to classes of health-improving physical culture directed to correction of bearing defects satisfies these requirements.
The conducted research promotes the conclusion that the set of rehabilitation measures has rendered positive effect on the indices of power endurance of abdominal, back, shoulder muscles of students with musculoskeletal defects.
Thus, in the experimental group physical condition estimated by tests authentically improved in 62 % out of 26 people with the features of fault in posture.
The role of the worked technique consists in improvement of the state of health of students and restoration of the inadequate functions.
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