The use of mathematical-statistical methods for processing of research results of foreign training of students
The use of mathematical-statistical methods for processing of research results of foreign training of students of university of physical culture
Ya.I. Glembotskaya. Moscow state academy of physical culture, Malakhovka, the Moscow region
Key words: professional-communicative competences, statistical methods.
The purpose of the present research was to consider the problem of using mathematical-statistical methods to process the research results of foreign training of students of university of physical culture.
The conducted mathematical-statistical analysis of research results based on the prepared special courses "Winter Olympic games and winter sports" and "Sport in English-speaking countries" promoted experimental check of effectiveness of creation and use of modern modernized pedagogical technologies to form professional communicative and intellectual competences of students of university of physical culture.
There were revealed the rules of increase of progress in English studies in experimentally checked differentiated educational groups (homogenous, mobile, successful) by the use of multilevel methods of integrated model and their further transfer to educational group with higher level of foreign training for possible continuation of education on the program of training translators.
All the abovementioned approves the advanced hypothesis on effectiveness of using methods innovations in practice of foreign education in the university of physical culture.
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