System determination of style features of teacher of physical culture


V.V. Markelov, Dr.Hab.


System determination of style features of teacher of physical culture
V.V. Markelov, Dr.Hab. A.E. Zubkov, Perm state pedagogical university, Perm
Key words: individual style, pedagogical activity, structure, adaptation, compensation, determination, individuality, integration.
The purpose of the present experimental research carried out in 2009-2011, – allocation of the correlation of various features of individuality with experience of work and level of pedagogical mastership of teachers of physical culture.
The style of pedagogical activity of teachers of physical culture represents a multicomponent formation characterized by specific features of work and determined by the system of neurodynamic, psychodynamic, cognitive and personal features of integral individuality. Manifestation of style features of work of teachers of physical culture is associated with specific symptom clusters of individual features.
The experiments have revealed such features of teacher's style pedagogical activity as "uncompromising", "systematic assessing", "soft". "positive approving" and "yielding", associated with different combinations of teachers' individual features.
Dependence of teachers-masters on domination of such individual features as even temper, activity, mental tempo and self-confidence is distinctive feature of their style pedagogical activity.
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