Moral-volitional training of teenagers within karate classes in school sports club


T.I. Chedova, Postgraduate


Moral-volitional training of teenagers within karate classes in school sports club
T.I. Chedova, Postgraduate, Chaykovsky state institute of physical culture, Chaykovsky
Key words: adolescence, moral and volitional education, training process, sports club.
The purpose of the present research was to study on theoretical and practical levels the matters of psychological-pedagogical support of teenagers going in for sport, in particular in school sports clubs.
Trainer should create special situations in the educational-training process promoting successful formation of moral and volitional qualities to develop in children engaged in karate of the habit of moral behavior so that they could show their volitional qualities when required
The research methods included theoretical analysis of literature on the researched problem; analysis of normative documents; modeling, questionnaire; test; method of competent evaluation; pedagogical experiment; observation; discussions with pupils, parents, teachers and trainers; study of products of pedagogical activity; method of mathematical statistics; sports training etc.
There was studied and analyzed special guidance literature on the basics of personally-focused physical education; pedagogical and psychological researches on differentiation and individualization of educational processes and personal diagnostics.
The paper reveals theoretical-methodological preconditions of morals and volitional training of teenager's personality.
A set of moral-volitional training of teenagers was developed and substantiated in the course of classes of karate in school sports clubs that can be used by trainers-teachers by kinds of sport, teachers of physical culture, teachers of applied sports.
Effectiveness of using the worked methodological complex was experimentally checked based on the results of monitoring of moral-volitional personal features on the initial and competitive stages of their research. Purposeful use of the complex of pedagogical conditions promoted considerable increase of the level of development of moral-volitional personal features of the ones training in the section of karate of the "Gepard" sports club.
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