Psychological characteristics of junior taekwondokas and their preparedness


M.A. Mironov, Postgraduate


Psychological characteristics of junior taekwondokas and their preparedness
M.A. Mironov, Postgraduate, Moscow state academy of physical culture, Malakhovka, the Moscow region.
Key words: test, individual features, psychology, sports activity.
The purpose of the present research was to reveal individual psychological characteristics of junior taekwondokas.
Psychophysiological and psychological features of sport activity regarding classes of taekwondo have general rules of all single combat as well as specific features specific for this kind of sport. The analysis revealed certain heterogeneity of indices of complicated response between athletes with different training experience: they are better in athletes engaged in training within 3-5 years.
An important place is taken by mastering defence techniques in taekwondo. Since hitting technique dominates, miss of hit can mean defeat. Athlete in a right stand capable of "reading" the combat and action of the opponent deprives his abilities of effective attack as it analyzes presupposed further actions of the opponent and selects necessary tactics of defence. In compliance with the results of tests most effective defence actions were individually selected for every athlete.
Focussing on the athlete's response, his character, inclination for risk and other qualities, trainer works necessary tactics of conducting combat for the athlete. In case of good test results trainer can choose tactics of conducting a combat focused on counterattack, where athlete is to provoke the opponent to attacking actions for immediate counterattack, forgetting about defence actions. The results of psychophysiological and neurodynamic characteristics of taekwondokas.
Sports means and actions in training and in competitions are performed more effectively when ideomotor performance precedes practical performance.
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