Flexibility development in schoolchildren


A.S. Ismailova, postgraduate


Flexibility development in schoolchildren
A.S. Ismailova, postgraduate, A.V. Menkhin, professor, Ph.D. L.A. Novikova, associate professor, Ph.D. Russian state university of physical culture, sport, youth and tourism, Moscow
Key words: flexibility, factors limiting flexibility, technique of flexibility development.
The purpose of the present research was to develop an effective technique of development of flexibility based on analysis of the ways of solution of the quoted task in calisthenics.
Herewith it is supposed to use modern technologies of development of agility in joints in conditions of various motor activity facilitating achievement of both optimal (sufficient) level of development of flexibility for everyday active way of life and possible maximum manifestations for specialized motor activity.
It was proved necessary to keep to some conditions determined by specific features of the quoted physical quality and variants of its manifestation for successful development of flexibility, in a considerable degree promoting effectiveness of performance of various motor actions.
While developing flexibility routine pedagogical control and self-control over general functional state of the engaged ones is important along with estimation of the state of the most loaded joints and dynamics of indices of agility in joints in short and long periods of training.
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