Psychological readiness for managerial work in conditions of expert training


A.P. Murav'ev, Postgraduate


Psychological readiness for managerial work in conditions of expert training
A.P. Murav'ev, Postgraduate, Russian state university of physical culture, sport, youth and tourism, Moscow
Key words: vocational competences, disposition to communicative domination, social optimism, initiative, extraversion, emotional balance.
Many authors see the problem of insufficiently effective psychological expert training in the lack of active forms of teaching. Active forms of teaching to business communication are used in university practice occasionally. Teachers, with rare exception, do not know the technique of teaching to role games, but there is lots of literature promoting active methods of education, accumulated rich experience of using the methods in Soviet and foreign educational systems.
The purpose of the present research was to reveal the students' understanding of the role of vocational competence while realizing managerial functions of such communicative qualities as disposition to communicative domination, social optimism, initiative, extraversion, emotional balance etc.
The conducted study revealed that the problem of vocational training of students to professional communication is spontaneous and far from optimal. In university the necessary organizational potential of future expert is not formed in full measure. 
Students not always manage to find independently the ways of most effective ways of training for organizational activity but they are aware of one of the basic difficulties arising in the beginning of their independent work represented by lack of the skill of social work.
Proceeding from the conducted study it is possible to make a conclusion that the matters of using knowledge, including psychological ones, for its realization in practice are acute for modern managers but not the knowledge expressed in some concept system. Thus psychological training for expert professional managerial work within university can be considered insufficiently effective and thus requiring detailed analysis of its weak points and more system approach to its organization.
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