Views of modern russian studentship on peacemaking function of olympic sport


V.S. Gusakova. Postgraduate


Views of modern russian studentship on peacemaking function of olympic sport
V.S. Gusakova. Postgraduate, Moscow state academy of physical culture, Malakhovka, the Moscow region
Key words: humanism, methods, peacemaking function, Olympic sport, Olympic games.
The history of Olympic sport testifies to the role of the peacemaking function in strengthening of the world and peoples' friendship, thus in realization of the humanistic function. Therefore it is not occasional that various developments on humanistic education of youth, ideological basics of Olympic sport are being realized for over 20 years, testifying to little knowledge in athletes and university students on the Olympic topic. However, little attention is paid to the studies of the peacemaking function and its realization in the activity of athletes and sports organizations.
Thus there was made an attempt to join the studies on this matter.
The purpose of the present research was to analyze the attitude of students to the peacemaking function of Olympic sport.
The information for analysis was receivedusing an inquiry of students-athletes and sports organizational workers in 2010. 261 student of the 4th course of MSAPC and the best students of MSAPC of the 3rd and 5th courses, participants of the contest «Olympic experts» – 61 person took part in the research.
Conclusion. The data subjected in the paper resulted in the conclusion that students of MSAPC did not know much about the history, culture and traditions of Olympic movement, on the ideology of Olympism and ideas of the founder of the modern Olympic movement Pierre de Coubertin.
All this requires more profound study of the material on the history of Olympic movement and improvement of methods of teaching the disciplines associated with formation of knowledge on Olympism and Olympic movement.
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