Specifics of adaptation to submaximal physical loadings under iodine insufficiency


A.D. Tsikunib, professor, Dr.Biol.


A.D. Tsikunib, professor, Dr.Biol.
B. Dzhrivakh, Ph.D.
S.R. Kaytmesova.
J. D'yachenko.
F. Ezlyu. Research institute for complex problems of Adygei state university, Maikop
Key words: iodine insufficiency, macro- and micronutrients, physical working capacity, lactate uptake, adaptive potential, HST index, index of physical fitness, somatic health, respiratory samples.
Strenuous physical loadings, specific for modern sport make special requirements to the energy supply system of the athlete' body. Result in sport depends on efficiency of mobilization and use of energy substrates by athlete's body and the level of formation of the regulatory system of these processes. In the adaptation of athletes to physical loadings, including submaximal ones, the priority is usually given to the system hypothesis - adrenal cortex, where the role of other hormone systems in the course of adaptation to such loadings is studied insufficiently.
First of all, it concerns grandula thyroidea, which exclusive role in the regulation of the body energy metabolism is undeniable. Adequate amount of iodine in the body, its deficiency as one of the most popular alimentary deficiencies in the world, both in Russia and in most of the regions is a compulsory condition of the normal operation of grandula thyroidea
The purpose of the study was to substantiate the physiological- biochemical mechanisms of influence of athlete's iodine status on the adaptation to submaximal physical loadings.
Proceeding from the results of physiological and biochemical researches, iodine insufficiency is a limiting factor of submaximal physical working capacity.
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