Educational conditions of ensuring of stable competitive activity of 17-22-year-old women involved in sports aerobics



N.A. Kasatkina, postgraduate
L.D. Nazarenko, professor, Dr.Hab.
Ulyanovsk state pedagogical university, Ulyanovsk
Key words: sports aerobics, stable competitive activity, components, general physical and special fitness.
Sports aerobics is a spectacular, aesthetically attractive, young sport, actively developing and claiming for inclusion to the program of Olympic games. According to the results of the theoretical and methodological literature analysis devoted to the problem of improvement of efficiency of aerobic sports training, questionnaire of the leading trainers and personal research materials, the main tendencies of further development of sports aerobics are as follows: complication of competitive programs; development of new original series and transitional elements; increase of virtuosity of performance of technically complex motor actions; involvement in a composition of motor acts of different structural complicacy; enhancement of technical skills and masterly performance via reaching elegance, plasticity, grace and high virtuosity of motor performance (Somkin A.A., 2001; Verevkina E.A., 2004; Pozdeeva E.A., 2006).

The purpose of the study was to reveal conditions of stable performance of the 15-17-year-old girls engaged in sports aerobics with the high level of artistry.

At the present phase of social development sports aerobics is a complex process of adaptation to the conditions of evolution and the needs of the global community. Regular superiority of athletes from the same countries in traditional sports, active promotion of their spectacular variations at European and World Championships and Olympic Games resulted in the rise of new artistic aesthetic, spectacular sports, sports aerobics to be one of them. Hosting the World Cup in 1995 and European Championship in 2000 preconditioned the chance of inclusion of this type of sports activity in the Olympic program.

Stability in performances of the ones engaged in aerobics is achieved by the due ratio of indices of special physical and technical fitness along with the high level of expression. All types of training represent a multidimensional dynamic system of dual interaction in view of specific characteristics of sports aerobics. The specialized literature analysis, the research of the advanced teaching experience, our personal research materials revealed the structural content of stability of competitive activity in sports aerobics, displayed in the following leading components: set goal adequate to fitness level; ensuring optimal indices of overall and special fitness; consistency of motor and autonomic functions, formation of individual motor rate; ensuring self-confidence.

The current stage of development of sports aerobics is characterized by the direction of overall physical training on the intensification of muscular activity in the corresponding motor mode to optimize the process of body’s adaptation to increased training loadings, due to the regular complication of the content of specific sport via inclusion in its structure of the elements of rhythmic and sports gymnastics, acrobatics, trampolining, etc. [4]. The necessary parameters of overall physical training give athletes power, speed and athleticism. Thanks to body stability swings and circles can be performed with the optimum amplitude. Thanks to the high elasticity of muscles, strengthening of knee and ankle joint ligaments female athletes perform waves, turns, bents and spins gradually turning into each other, along with energetic bounces to prone drops and sit ups of varying complexity, rolls at the same motor rate.

In comprehensive coordination sports, sports aerobics to be one of them, technical training is a result of rational organization of general and special physical training, where the main goal is to achieve high, stable indices, clear, coherent movements of athletes create unique harmony, where jumps, spins, circles with comprehensive coordination are alternated with dance tracks, changes from one complicated element to another, giving a chance to relax working muscles and manage breathing [1, 2, 5].

Consequently, the optimal ratio of overall and special physical and technical fitness along with high indices of motor culture, symmetry of movements, ensuring the display of the aesthetic component of the composition of the program performance, is one of the leading educational environments of enhancement of stable performance of the ones involved in sports aerobics.

The specifics of the training process in sports aerobics is represented by series of motor tasks, providing different modes of activity of muscle groups, conditioning the development of active and passive flexibility, increasing balance, agility, jumping ability indices and other necessary motor coordinations. Sports aerobics is distinguished by high-distant bounces to prone drop; free falls after series of circles, spins, turns, elements on the ground. So the necessary sequence of mastering motor actions with comprehensive structure is to be indentified [3, 4]. The proceedings of our research, surveys of trainers and qualified female athletes have shown that the sequence of performance of elements which are the most difficult in the performance of the program is determined by a set of factors where the leading ones are as follows:

- appropriate overall and special physical fitness indices for the structural complexity of exercises being learnt;

- body’s functional preparedness for the upcoming training modes. Thus, according to N. Yakovlev, [6], the level of functional tension of cardiovascular system reaches 185-190 bpm when doing competitive exercises. Competitive exercises from sports aerobics such as jumps, strength, static, flight elements are characterized by rhythm changes and breath holding, significant muscle tension, hypoventilation, due to the need to use special aerobic exercises to provide energy for the body;

- the use of the methodology of successive mastering of the elements of the corresponding complicacy of the composition. So, rather complex static, static-dynamic and dynamic elements, possibly different, are being learnt in parts until a motor skill is formed, their structural content is spoken out loud, and then they are performed in easier conditions: using safety belts, on a trampoline, using apparatuses landing on a pile of mats, with the use of the “conducting” technique (with two partners taking over a part of athlete's body weight and helping him to go through all phases of a motor act), etc.

As the features of the structural content of the mastered technical element are being learnt to the key element and details are being identified along with test successful attempts, the phased formation and consolidation of the motor skill continues with the gradual adaptation of the adduced conditions of performance to competitive ones, which ensures the due stable masterly performance.

Hence, the rational sequence of learning the most difficult elements in a composition, development and use of the effective teaching and training methods focused on the individual personality-based approach is the following educational condition of stability of competitive activity of the ones engaged in aerobics.

At the first phases of formation of sports aerobics, it is a set of conditioning and dance exercises of moderate intensity. Staginess and aesthetic appeal provoked the natural interest in the new sport not just among teens and youth not doing sports, but gymnasts who had finished competitive activity in the chosen sport.

Gymnasts with their high sports potential brought to the new kind of aerobics high intensity training loading, increased speed, intenseness of combinations with multi-directional, technically complex elements, which put it on the same level with traditional sports with comprehensive coordination with a long history such as: sports and rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating, sports aerobics etc, having a high aesthetic potential. After a powerful impetus for further development, sports aerobics was enriched with new content, its competition rules stipulate a clearly set number of elements of varying complicacy along with masterly, artistic performance.

The optimal complicacy level of the program performance of the ones engaged in aerobics ensures saving the optimal state of functional reserves, which is fundamental to provide stability of competitive activity. The system of special technical training in sport aerobics is characterized by the multilevel block composition, providing certain series of program components, starting from simple motor skills to training, profiling various major combinations of different complicacy, being continuously enhanced during active competitive activity.

The identification of the optimal complicacy of performance of the program is an individually specified approach determined by many factors:

- the level of development of major motor coordinations: flexibility, mobility, plasticity, jumping ability, agility, etc., the ratio of overall and special, and technical competencies;

- the peculiarities of adaptation to strenuous training loadings;

- an individual predisposition to complex, original, risky exercises;

- the ability to control movements in difficult training and competitive conditions;

- the level of orientation in space-time and space-strength parameters of motor actions when performing a composition;

- development of the "sense of proportionality" of motor acts being performed, their shape, structural content, phases of implementation for ultimate expression of their aesthetic component;

- the ability to free and easy execution of elements with comprehensive coordination to the masterly and elite level of performance, etc.

It is very important for stable competitive activity to make the right choice of the reference direction of performance of a composition. The core of this teaching condition is to ensure the most complete perception of the technical complexity, originality, individuality of performance of not just a single element, but the entire block, including unusual methods of combinations, interchanges, and the composition as a whole.

The proper choice of the reference direction of performance preconditions involvement of the audience to the display of artistic skill, since the fans’ reaction is an extra impetus to creativity, impromptu, understanding the core of artistic and aesthetic image of the program performance and evaluation of the individual style of performance.

The suitability of distribution of the most spectacular elements in space and time to see the general plan of construction and structural content of the composition is the evaluation criterion of rational selection of the reference direction.

Hence, the primary educational conditions of stability of performances of the ones involved in aerobics are:

- achievement of an optimal balance of overall and special physical and technical fitness along with high indices of motor culture;

- identification of the rational sequence of mastering structurally complex and most difficult elements in the program performance;

- determination of the individual optimal complicacy level of the composition;

- rational choice of the reference direction of movement.

Materials and methods. The advisability of implementation of these educational conditions was tested in the educational experiment when training the ones engaged in sports aerobics. 22 qualified female athletes aged 17-22 years were the subjects of the experiment. They were divided into the control group and the experimental group 11 persons in each. The test of the level of overall physical fitness before the experiment did not show significant differences between the groups in this index (p>0.05). In addition, the level of stability of performance of females engaged in aerobics was estimated in the competitions to be held from January to December 2011, using the tests and evaluation criteria we had designed in its following key components:

- Compliance of the level of physical and technical fitness with the set goal;

- Ensuring the optimal indices of overall and special physical training;

- Obtaining consistency of motor and autonomic functions;

- Formation of individual motor rate;

- Ensuring self-confidence.

Results and discussion. The analysis of the materials of the study revealed no significant differences in terms of stability of athletes from both of the groups at competitions (p>0.05). In the CG training sessions were held in compliance with the conventional methodology in accordance with the program recommended by the appropriate federation. In the EG much attention was paid to implementation of the allocated educational conditions of enhancement of stability of competitive activity of females engaged in aerobics.

At the end of the educational experiment, matching in duration the calendar year, the results of conditioning and improvement of stability of performances in competitions of various levels have improved in both of the groups, but they were much higher in the EG. So in the CG, when performing a standing long jump at the reference data 186,0±3,01 cm, the results increased up to 191,40±12,86 cm (p>0.05) after finishing the educational experiment; the results of the girls in the EG with the initial data 187,85±13,53 cm improved their results to 197,85±11,09 cm by the end of the experiment (p<0,05). In the standing high jump the indices were improved up to 40,7±2,9 cm and 43,94±3,16 cm (p<0,05) in the CG and the EG respectively at the end of the experiment (with the reference data 39,1±2,7 cm and 40,7±2.9 cm respectively). A similar trend of improvement of the indices in the EG was found in other control exercises too: in 3000 m (min) running, in standing high jump with a half turn; in bent forward standing on a bench to floor touch (cm).

Stability indicators of performance of athletes were evaluated by the expert group (5 elite trainers) in points. The results of the girls in the CG amounted to 3,29±0,29 points (p>0,05) by the end of the educational experiment at the initial indices of ensuring optimal indices of overall and special training of 3,04±0,24 points. In the EG the results amounted to ​​4,03±0,29 points (p>0,05) at the end of the experiment when the initial indices of this parameter were 3,07±0,19 points.

In the CG formation of the individual motor rate amounted to 3,28±0,18 and 3,93±0,17 points (p>0,05) respectively by the end of the experiment at the reference data of 3,08±0,16 points and 3,05±0,25 points correspondingly. The reliable tendency to improvement of indices in the EG was identified in other components of stability.

Proceeding from the findings of the educational experiment, the allocated educational conditions promote a significant increase of effectiveness of the training process and facilitate stabilization of performances of female athletes at competitions, proving the great value of the structural content of stability of competitive activity due to nonequivalence of its key components and different functions they perform in solution of the set task.


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