The role of applied military physical training for young prospective conscripts



A.A. Popkov
Volgograd State University, Volgograd
Key words: prospective conscript, military service, applied military physical training, role, results.

Introduction. The process of applied military physical training is generally activated for the 16-17-year-olds and for a limited contingent of pupils [2, 4].

The increase of mental and physical loads while implementing tactical missions by military men rise essentially the requirements to the level of development of special physical qualities of applied military orientation in young prospective conscripts and draftees [1, 3]. In this regard, for the successful solution of the problems of their physical training for military service a sufficiently large number of prospective conscripts should be involved in sport, participate in applied military sports events, form personal physical culture and the positive attitude to military service [1, 3, 5].

Better physical fitness was marked in young people who trained a lot before military service and got sports degrees. Unfortunately, they do not have formed skills and abilities of applied military orientation.

In the work we used the following research methods: theoretical analysis and synthesis of literature sources, synthesis of best practices, questionnaire, methods of mathematical statistics.

Results and discussion. We studied motor activity, motivation to physical education classes, development of physical culture and focus on service in the Armed Forces of Russia according to the questionnaire of students in secondary institutions in the town of Volgograd. The total number of interviewed was 238 pupils (10-15 year olds - 147 boys, 16-17 year olds - 91 young men).

45,6% of schoolchildren aged 10-15 years, 37,4% of students aged 16 - 17 years attended physical education lessons regularly. Sufficiently large number of respondents (10 - 15 year olds - 27,9%, 16-17 year olds - 35,2%) missed these classes without a valid reason, and many pupils were not engaged in sports sections (10-15 year olds - 84,4 % 16-17 year olds - 86,8%), did not participate in sports competitions (10-15 year olds - 59,2%, 16-17 year olds - 69,2%), were not engaged in independent physical exercises (10-15 year olds - 81,0%, 16-17 year olds - 79,1%).

Sports games (35.4 %), swimming (28.6 %) and track and field athletics (27.2%) are the most popular sports among students aged 10-15 years. The priorities of pupils’ aged 16-17 years are as follows: sports games - 38.5%, combat sports - 35.2%, swimming - 23.1%. Regarding sports games boys preferred football, and young men - basketball.

The priority motives to physical training and sports classes among boys at the age of 10-15 years are "to become strong and agile" (32.7 %), "to succeed in life" (30.6%). Those with the motive of “self-defense" amounted to 19.0%, "health" - 13.6%. The role of motives of young men at the age of 16-17 years is as follows: “to become strong" - 42.9%, "self-defense" - 30.8%, "succeed in sport" - 18.7%.

According to the respondents, 63,9% of boys and 46,2% of young men consider themselves healthy. Most of the surveyed (10-15 year olds - 63,9%, 16-17 year olds - 51,6%) pupils believe in the recreational effect of physical education classes, but think that intensive sports trainings are bad for their health. By personal estimates of the respondents, 60,5% of boys and 42,9% of young men lead a healthy way of life, and 19.8 % and 41.8 % of the respondents respectively gave a negative answer to this question .

The main reasons pupils aged 10-15 years do not attend school sports sections: lack of interest in physical exercises - 31,3%, lack of free time - 25.9%, poor sports material base - 19.0%. Pupils aged 16-17 years mention the following reasons: lack of sports sections of interest - 37.7%, low quality of section classes - 27,5%, lack of the desire to do physical exercises - 15,4%, lack of knowledge on the benefits of physical education classes - 11,0%.

Thus, the surveyed students of different ages explain their physical training and sports passivity by different reasons, which can be eliminated by activating specific directions of this work.

Proceeding from the results of the questionnaire, many respondents do not have sports equipment: simulators - 94,5%, expander, weights, barbells, dumbbells - 83.2 %, bicycle - 79.4%, rackets for tennis and badminton - 73.1%, camping equipment - 69.3 %.

Only few respondents of those surveyed knew their body length and weight (10-15 year olds - 12,9%, 16-17 year olds - 16,5%), blood pressure (10-15 year olds - 10,2%, 16-17 year olds - 13,2%), dynamometric indicators (10-15 year olds - 8,8%, 16-17 year olds - 9,9%), stated correctly their belonging to medical group (10 - 15 year olds - 8,2%, 16-17 year olds - 12,1%), announced the results of physical fitness tests (10-15 year olds - 21,8%, 16-17 year olds - 28,6% ) .

Many respondents did not know the basic components of healthy way of life (10-15 year olds - 87,8%, 16-17 year olds - 90,1%), the indices of required motor activity (10-15 year olds - 85,0%, 16 -17 year olds - 83,5%), main ways to develop physical qualities (10-15 year olds - 76,2%, 16-17 year olds - 69,2%), self-control rules during physical exercises (10-15 year olds - 71,4%, 16-17 year olds - 64,8%).

Many of the respondents (10-15 year olds - 85,7%, 16-17 year olds - 79,1%) indicated the lack of talks on applied military physical training, noted insufficient level of promotion on the formation of physical culture of a prospective conscript in comprehensive institutions.

Only individual respondents (10-15 year olds - 17,7%, 16-17 year olds - 22,0%) indicated the  parents’ interest in development of their physical abilities. According to many respondents (10-15 year olds - 74,8%, 16-17 year olds - 87,9%), school leaders are indifferent to their applied military physical training, the majority of respondents (10-15 year olds - 91 8 %, 16-17 year olds - 86,8%) have not heard of any applied military physical education and sports activities carried out by military registration and enlistment offices.

The full course of preliminary military training in conditions of training camps and patriotic clubs was done only by 8,8 % of respondents, 30,8 % respondents participated partially and 60,4 % of pupils did not attend training camps.

According to our data, the majority (age 10-15 year olds - 78,2%, 16-17 year olds - 85,7%) of respondents are not willing to serve in the Russian army. The main reasons for such a negative attitude to military service: non-statutory relationship (34.7%), strict discipline (30.6%), lost time (25.9%) - students aged 10-15 years; excessive physical loads (35 2%), non-statutory relationship (30.8%), political instability (27.5%) - students aged 16-17 years.

Herewith, some pupils are able to obey reasonable discipline (10-15 year olds - 30,6%, 16-17 year olds - 20,9%), treat with respect social norms and requirements (10-15 year olds - 19 0 %, 16-17 year olds - 16,5%), feel responsible for their country (10-15 year olds - 23,1%, 16-17 year olds - 13,2%).

According to the questionnaire, only single respondents (10-15 year olds – 38,1 %, 16-17 year olds – 16,5 %) consider military service their civil duty and many (10-15 year olds – 53,1 %, 16-17 year olds – 74,7 %) try to didge the conscription.

According to the questionnaire, only 10,2% of boys and 6,6% of young men want to become professional military men. Among the attractive aspects of the profession of military man they consider professional and career growth, focus on physical perfection, tolerance and self-control in extreme conditions.

Proceeding from the questionnaire, 59,2% of boys and 45,6% of young men are proud to be Russian citizens, a third of respondents (10-15 year olds - 31,8%, 16-17 year olds - 35,2%) do not have patriotic feelings to the motherland, some respondents (10-15 year olds - 9,5%, 16-17 year olds - 19,7%) indicated the negative attitude towards this issue.

Only individual students (10-15 year olds - 14,3%, 16-17 year olds - 11,0%) named the Russian state symbols (anthem, flag, flag of the President). Many respondents (10-15 year olds - 64,4%, 16-17 year olds - 60,4%) could not name any of the exercises that are included in the set of test tasks for military men and their standards.

Most of the respondents (10-15 year olds – 60,5 %, 16-17 year olds – 69,2 %) agreed that physical self-perfection, coping with difficulties in extreme situations, ability to realize motor capacities, development of moral and volitional qualities, formation of firmness and courage, readiness to defend Motherland are the key directions of training of pupils for military service.

The most attractive areas in the organization of classes of physical exercises for boys at the age of 10-15 years are sport (sports sections, classes in children sport schools, sports events) - 30.6 %, and recreation (physical education lessons, health group and conditioning classes, health days) - 27.2%.

The leisure area (weekend tourist walks, hiking, sightseeing, cycling and water trips) is on the third place - 19.7%. Subsequent positions are occupied by entertainment (military and sports, sports events, mass sports military events) - 15,0% and cognitive (military and sports competitions, quizzes) - 7.5%.

Young men at the age of 16-17 years put on the first place the recreational area (42.9 %), followed in order of importance by recreational (29.7 %), sports (12.1%), entertainment (8.8% ) and cognitive (6.5%) areas.

Young prospective conscripts prefer diverse areas and forms of organization of classes of physical exercises, but in the structure of their role significant changes occur with age: the role of classes of recreational physical exercises increases and role of sports exercises decreases. Of course, such changes have a negative impact on the level of physical fitness of young prospective conscripts, there is no purposeful applied military physical training of young conscripts to military service.

Conclusions. The materials of the study reveal a number of problems in the course of physical training of young prospective conscripts: many young men have an insufficient level of physical activity, poor health and physical fitness, high anxiety level, reluctance of military service, lack of confidence in an extreme situation.


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