Perception, constructive thinking and productive action in the technology of psychology-pedagogical of training



Dmitriev S. V. – the actual member of the International academy of acmeological sciences, Dr.Hab. of pedagogical sciences, the professor
Neverkovich S. D. – the corresponding member of Russian Academy of sciences, the doctor of pedagogical sciences, the professor of the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism
Bystritskaya E.V. – Ph.D. of pedagogical sciences, the associate professor of the Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University

Keywords: the person, training by means of activity, self-improvement, professionalism

Summary. On the basis of the interdisciplinary approach modern approaches to the research of FK-technologies are analyzed, on a new theoretical and methodical basis base components of structure of educational space and a subject domain physical training are allocated and described.

"Yes, simplicity is more clear to people,

But difficult it is more necessary to them"

(B. Pasternak)

Introduction in problem area, the purposes and research tasks. In present period – during transition from classical to nonclassical and neoclassical type of science – problems of education, its present and the future become very actual. In the sphere of pedagogical     psychology, as well as in educational technologies, crisis of "not anthropological" models and educational systems is observed. In pedagogical anthropology the thought that the person can't be defined from the outside that this being capable to comprehend, carry out himself and the his reality, creating the world by the presence ("be-at-essence") is claimed, "capturing" him and doing it own (M. Heidegger). The culture is uniform, and the person in culture is integral (I.M.Bykhovskaya, V.I.Stolyarov, S.D.Neverkovich). The main reference points, the purposes and problems of training development are formation of the free and responsible personality / identity which is creatively relating and to her activity, and to culture study. In philosophical paradigmatics there are three educational spheres: "Logos the person" (anthropology – comprehension of sociocultural and its spiritual nature and mission); "nomos of  person" (the plan-project of antroponomics – formation of personal, axiological and etatistics space); "techne of person" (plan-program of creation of architectonics of the creative person and identity). It is possible to tell, that the philosophy of education and methodology of pedagogics "flow" each other, it is impossible to draw sharp line between them. Let's consider from this point of view pedagogical phenomenology in this sphere during sportsmen’s studying of motive activities.

Perceptual and mental, corporal and motive and technological taxies of sportsmen. It is known that the design and constructive thinking of the person doesn't come to the end with the thought birth, it is much wider than aiming at "end result" because includes a reflection and interpretation, estimation on a scale of values, extraction (systematization, generalization) of experience of activity on the basis of different taxies (from Greek “taxis” – "the orienting scheme"). If the expert in the sphere of physical culture wants that the methodology developed by him was highly productive, it follows "to technologiste didactically" and "to organize methodically" in system of educational training in motive actions, rational by methods and effective by results. For this purpose we develop the main mental and motive taxies which the teacher-trainer and the sportsmen need to know.

Perceptual and mental taxis. When training in motive actions of the sportsmen it is necessary to form so-called perceptual and mental taxis of technics of movements (an ego-corporal mechanisms of perception, thinking and action). It includes control of elements of system on the basis of fast "panoramic reception" (including by means of peripheral sight) signs of movements essential to the sportsmen, their diagnosis, examination and an assessment. Three main mechanisms of cogitative actions of the sportsmen lie in base of perceptual and mental taxis: "to see how" (tool – successive or simultaneous – aspect of the organization of perception), "to see that" (a subject of imaginative perception / knowledge / understanding of "live movements") and "to see for what" (motivation of motive decisions). For this purpose it is necessary to develop and improve five types of the receptor – mental organization of action: 1) proprioreception ("distinctive sensitivity" to articulate movements and provisions which can be not connected with muscular efforts); 2) muscle-motive perception (an image-percept connected with a reflection of muscle efforts); 3) "lateral thinking" – ability to widely distributed attention and "nearproblem" thinking; 4) task / intension formation for "researching supervision", control and self-government (on the basis of the signs, having reviewers in objective reality); 5) the corporal-motive metaphors, allowing to translate beforeverbal corporal signs (body-talk) to corporal language (body-language) which can be expressed by the word (D.Lakoff, M.Jonson). All five "frame components" unite in uniform perceptual-cogitative motive taxis of sportsmen, having various layers and striations.

The mental-technological matrix of creation of motive actions is based on programming knowledge which structure includes basic categories and the main mechanisms of sports technics, modeling motive representations and organizing schemes of perception and action. In this sphere of consciousness the major are "mode-image" is, as a matter of fact, "a projecting mode", acting in function of "visually organized concepts" and "mode-construct" – programmatically organized model of motive action (system of technological installations and technical self-tasks for search of the solution of a motive task). Some of images-standards of the system of movements, which were interiolized in the course of training, represent so-called "introject" (the author of the term the Hungarian psychologist of S.Ferentsi). There are "accepted from the outside" – often without critical judgment – sets of representations of the person about sports technics. These introjects (as representations of "knowing ignorance") carry out functions of a peculiar system of counting, estimation and object examination. Figuratively speaking they force "things to broadcast", and the person "to go I don't know where, but going is resolute" (latin introject "Je ne sais pas, on je vais, mais jy vais resolument").

All functions listed by us in "pedagogical production" are connected and mutually supply each other, forming "a package of activities" – perception (an attention subject), thinking (an thought subject), "action intension" (an orientation on result or means of its achievement), functional process (from latin processus – advance, "transition") – consecutive change of conditions in time of object on which action is directed (for example, processes of adaptation, evolution, management, development, training or designing). Integration of training information is based on unity of the purposes (what to do), tasks (how to do), valuable orientations (for what to do) and creative managing decisions. The term "creative decision" is considered by us from the point of view of anthropic technologies – as the received result, as the way of the organization of information (modus operandi), as process, which expresses and makes impression on the person, forms new concepts and "involves" the personality in productive actions. Thereby transition preconditions are created from the object theory ("natural system", which laws we learn) to School of training activity ("artificially created", pedagogical system designed by us).

Corporal-mental таксис. Recognition of corporal and motive plasticity as biomechanical and esthetic category (S.V.Dmitriyev, L.N.Slyadneva, V.N.Kurys) expands "mental-motive experience" of sportsmen of a different rank, "the corporal consciousness" (leibbewusszsein) and "corporal experience" (body experience) deepens them. In the modern (neoclassical) theory of sports technics it isn't recommended to separate "corporal praxis" from "mental logos" (P.Feyerabend, M.Wartofsky). We only come nearer to spheres anthropognostics corporal-focused methods of training – to formation at the sportsmen of mental-corporal and motive connotations (connotatio – from latin con – together and noto – I note, I designate). Corporal-mental taxis expands "a limits context" of live movements, allows the sportsmen to carry out understanding of his actions on the basis of anthropic the psychotechnics, "working" at borders mental, corporal and spiritual experience. It is known that the person reorganize the world perceived by it in operational, esthetic and emotional semantics of movements of his body. So, development of emotional consciousness allows to perceive, supervise and understand corporal- praxical emotions – arising as reflection in consciousness of own actions. Thus "the subject identification" can be realized – representation of the subject as function of this or that object (a hockey stick, racket "head"). Reincarnating in object, the person can "see movement from within" (subject representations); to understand "on what it is similar", to choose focal "control" perception points; to carry out integration of "a corporal Ego" (S. Grof) and corporal-motive thinking (enrichment of perception of movements by conceptual experience). Consciousness – indissoluble and coherent whole. "To see movement from within" – to carry out along with synthesis of "corporal metaphors" integration of different types of thinking – N.A.Bernstein in the book "About Creation of Movements" (1947) called still. Here meanings / biocodes/ sociocodes – owing to principal permeability of semantic space – cross among themselves, "supply" each other. There is an effect of a geterotopiya (M. Foucault) and "a corporal aleatorics" (W.Меуеr-Еррler) – connection in one space of the diverse contexts enclosed each other. So, level of design-motive experience raises because  of superposition (from over + a position) – imposing at each other, "mutually imposings", "fertilisations" (complex + complicated), instead of replacement of one knowledge by others. "Contraria sunt complementa" ("Contrasts supply each other" – N.Bor's principle). Thus prepotent elements of system "adjust to themselves" again arriving information, carry out "assimilation" of new experience and "accommodation" of inefficient structures.

So, at a stage of search regulation of esthetically organized movements it is carried out both technical-technological (rational), and the emotional-art organization of artplastic actions (in language of "plastic hieroglyphs" – the term A.Sfard). In plasticity of movements of the sportsmen it can be expressed – on the basis of laws of beauty, system of esthetic orientation, formation of emotional consciousness – a mental-metaphorical context of "live movements" ("metaphorical truth", according to D. Davidson). The term "corporal metaphor" is entered into the scientific description by M. Johnson and J. Lakoff. Transfer of "a power wave" on a body at the thrower of an apparatus, pushing away of the athlete from a support as "explosion", spring function of foot of the runner are the examples of corporal and motive metaphors, which "conceptually grab" the processes of reality which don't have steady scientific formulations.

The school of perception, thinking and activity of the sportsmen has to improve the corporal-motive analytics, based on ideomotoric connotations – "thinking in concepts", "interwoven" into semantics of sensual fabric. "Psychosemantics of consciousness" includes as "ideomotorical training" (the afferent program of "due" perceptions and images, it is frequent without accompanying movements), just "ideomotorny designing" (analytical, situational or retrospective efferent programming). The ability to see all range of values and meanings of motive action is formed here: "visual concepts" + "corporal-sensual patterns" (it is technology "perceptions perceived", on J.Gibson), and also "knew" + "understood" (it is technology "understanding understanded", on R.L. Gregory). The most important function of reflexive thinking is justification of the principle of the solution of the task acting as a direct objective basis of the generalized method of the solution of all problems of this class.

Mental-technological. Design-constructive functions of thinking of the sportsmen  lie at the basis of this model. Given taxis includes three main positions: 1) subject-organized analytical supervision ("internal sight", based on this or that concept, "a world picture"), panoramic and local perception of system of movements, interpretation of motive action by the "a mind eye" (cognitive reflection) – the specified processes are associated in the sphere of "corporal- motive self-consciousness" sportsmen; 2) the system analysis and knowledge / understanding of "live movements", carried out it is dissociated – from the point of view of other person (the researcher / biomechanic/ expert / technologist / designer / partner or the rival); 3) design and creation of motive action on the basis of the regulatory purposes-attractors (the single-root word – "track", system of the program operators conducting to achievement of result according to the purposes of the personality). By means of given taxis the plan, the project, the program and mechanisms of their realization are formed during the creation of motive actions. Target orientations and target requirements form, so to speak, the target regulator in which are integrated both inducing, and directing functions of project-motive thinking of the sportsmen. It is interesting to note that in east technologies of training "actions without the purpose" (Confucius) are dominated . Lao-zi taught the inaction abolishing need for purpose. In the European training systems the important role is carried out by target intensions and installations on self-checking and corrections of system of movements (the diagnostic, predictive, control- estimated reflexively organized functions). Educational-didactic programs of the teacher-trainer have to set and provide to each sportsmen system training of all types of educational-training activity, including target attractors, methods of "mental-motive representations" (mechanisms of processing of figurative, verbal-sign and nonverbal information), rule-making (designing of standards of sports technics) and a rule-realization (a motivational, search and managing reflection).

At development of motive actions they need to be compared on various parameters which at first it is necessary to learn to realized (to learn, allocate, identify), to comprehend (thinking as process of understanding + thought as result of understanding) and to designate in semantics-sign systems. It is important to identify these or those elements of sports technics as for the trainer (he has to create "visual" diagnostic criterions for estimation), and for the sportsmen (it has to master mechanisms subjects conscious – self-checking). To explain – it doesn't mean yet to understand. It is necessary to admit, that teachers know about the nature of this phenomenon – "reproductive" and "productive" understanding of technical and semantic mechanisms of motive actions very little.

As psychologists note, it is necessary to learn "to see through the eyes, but not by them" (V. Blake). The system-sign reference of object has to be constructed on unity of a subject sign (as the means expressing thought), subject-verbal value (as expressed content of thought) and in subject-organized sense (which can go only from the subject of consciousness). This unity of "gonos" + "genos" – origin and development processes; the reflexive organization of the descriptive and prescriptive description, which are are forming and are reproding both "in process of object", and "in process of the subject". The technology of training development has to be conceptual (as is forming for a class of "perceptual-mental maps" of the functional organization of action) and constructive (as it construct action on the basis of mental-motive representations of different type – images-schemes, pro-positions, frames, scripts, scenarios, etc.).

So, for example, during push of kernel perceptive-trained, "reasonable" eye of the teacher-trainer has to perceive the speed of a body of the sportsmen at the time of shell release – it has to be zero (that testifies to full transfer of quantity of movement of a body on a kernel). At the same time it is necessary to see, whether at this moment the sportsmen contacts with the support or he is in flight already. "Metamodel knowledge" have to presented at the same time here (on the basis of fast "scan" of modal signs): "panoramic vision" all body of the sportsmen + the localized perceptions of his feet and a kernel + "shuttle movement of thought" on system of movements. Process of movement of thought (reversive, cyclic, inverted) as at the teacher-trainer, and the at the sportsmen, is implicative (from armor. implication – a texture) – here "are weaved" an identificative reflection, "engineering of knowledge", "language of movements", an autounderstanding. The person "plunges by thought" into local percepton of a subject of action ("the atomic facts", according to B.Rassel) and thus has to "fit" into his more wide context (programmatically organized "a decision tree"). "Personal self-tasks" are carried out in two counter directions – "from language of technical-technological tasks" (here taxis it is standard, minimizes individual deviations from biomechanical standards) and from style of thinking and activity of the sportsmen (here taxis is "subjected", "introspective"). Unfortunately, it is rather complex perceptual-mental and analytical tasks, and it is necessary both to teacher-trainer, and the sportsmen seize it.

The principle of an anthropic-activie paradigm of education – from technology of "researching study" to technology of "studying research". Process of studying of the sportsmen is based, as we know, on didactic organization "regulatory knowledge", on "aiming vision" object, on design- semantics associations. Didactic processing has to include seven main methods – the analysis, synthesis, deduction, an induction, a transduction (transition from private to private), an explication (replacement of empirical knowledge with more exact scientific concept), a reduction of mechanisms of sports technics. The semantic reduction consists not so much in transforming of difficult process to simpler phenomena, how many in transformation of "psychological-biomechanical data" in the most convenient for perception and understanding didactic model. Anthropical-didactical modeling (technology of "knowing ignorance", according to Y.V.Gromyko; "antropodromes" different level of complexity, according to P.G.Shchedrovitsky) comprises totality of expansion and curtailment of the perceived information which is often inaccessible to scientific supervision. Here concepts (developed by M. Heidegger, Zh.Delyozi, F.Gvatari) "fold" ("overlap", "wraparound" – figurative model of relationship in object – in detail various, but being interfaced phenomena) and "rhizomes" ("penetration" of various phenomena /phenomena in each other) are important. The didactic models constructed with use of these technologies, become similar to structures of the brain which crinkles form the greatest surface capable to productive and creative activity in the smallest volume. For the teacher-trainer it is important to form an internal radar of self-consciousness of the sportsmen, allowing to perceive, "as the object looks from outside and from within" (representative function) and "on what the object is similar" (comparative function – the analysis by means of metaphors, analogies and heuristic inversions). So, A.Enstein, developing the theory of relativity, " observed the Universe" – as if he flied in the imagination on a light beam.

The didactic model as a matter of fact has to be for the student "library of texts", demanding from him abilities creatively to recreate the knowledge put in them. Systems "enclosed descriptions" cognizable object have to be constructed according to "model for growth" – from "rigidly algorithmic" (on the basis of the principle of "step-by-step" information) and to heuristic, "curtailed into folds", metaknowledge (the generalized images and the schemes, allowing "to jump" through subject-substantial steps). As a matter of fact the didactic model has to represent "a buffet of knowledge" (E.Fromm's expression), allowing to take the student from the teacher and the educational-informative materials developed by him everything that it is necessary for him at this or that level of training for implementation of functions of management of subject-motive actions. Let's emphasize that creative methods don't precede activity, and stay in it and are embodied in the personality of creator. It is quite clear that creative informational content is connected with abilities of the person to extract  from training model that in it directly (formally, i.e. in the most material-sign form.) doesn't contain (G.G.Vorobjyov). It consists, first, of the so-called associative informational content embodying that the teacher didn't record in educational-informative materials, but could mean. Here the student "doesn't put an end" – he transforms, rationalizes, expands borders of information search, but "doesn't create innovations". Secondly, the didactic model has to expand mental-figurative space of object on the basis of the initiative informational content, allowing to produce constructive-creative, innovative activity on a basis "expansions of folds". It can be "text lacunas and marginalies" (late lat. marginalis – being on the edge, from armor. margo), "multisign emptiness", "questioning openness", "zones of semantic proximity", "rhizomes", "compulsory associations", "palimpsests" (from Greek palimpsestos – scratched out, difficult for perception). Let's note that the imaginative (metacreative) imagination especially intensively develops when there is some (specially organized) deficiency of information, certain (heuristic, inspiring) an semantic incompleteness leaving freedom to interpretation of this model and a freedom of choice of actions of the student.

It is known that the first attempts of execution of action – at a stage of "studied training" – represent, as a rule, not so much constructive, how many testing, diagnostic character. Thus the system of movements quite often as though "disperses" on different to "verification lines" and psycholinguistic factors – on the basis of a multisemiotics (semantic ambiguity) and the multisign of received information. At the same time, it must be kept in mind "golden rule" of sports didactics: motive action is not integrated, but is differentiable system. "The director's score" of programmatically organized motive action has to be constructed according to a strategic vector – from the main mechanisms to technics details. Motive action is designed not from details of technics, but from mechanisms. It is possible to construct complete action of "details-cubes" only when there at least its motor-semantic image is beenig, and it is even better – the regulatory principles of its functioning. Here Aristotle's postulate is acting “pars pro toto” (latin) – whole is initially in relation to its parts. Therefore, when training local structural components of sports technics have to be improved not "mosaically", and as a part of programmatically organized motive action. Principle of absoluteness of process and relativity of its result is acting (S.V.Dmitriyev). Besides, it is known that global integrative codes of perception is evolutionarily more senior than the modal-analytical and the first are formed as in ontogenesisis, and filogenesisis.

Further – at a stage of "training research" – the sportsmen gradually learns to mark out the latent, beloved properties of object fixing its internal structure. It is known that "the researching is not reflection of objects, but understanding, which  is transforming them" (G. Rikket). The paradox, was formulated by V.P.Zinchenko, also testifies to it: "It is easier to solve understood, than understanding". At the same time, question: "What we understand after all– knowledge of object or the object? " isn't so simple for modern science. There is an opinion that "we can understand and tell to another only that we can make ourself" (E.Kant). It is necessary to emphasize, however, that educational training has to begin not with subject-cannon actions ("from action to thought"), and with sense of this action (on the basis of a reflexive-semantic producing – "from thought by the image" and "from thought to action"). It is possible to assume, however, that very few people from psychologists and teachers will agree without objections with this position.

It is known that the knowledge grows from activity with object (in the object there is no knowledge), but research, experimental or technological activity is impossible without a support on knowledge. In "thought-operating pedagogics" (Y.V.Gromyko) all gained experience of activity in the sphere of consciousness is made out in schemes of perception, the scheme of a body, the activity scheme, and also in body representations-experiences (arising on crossing "image of a body" – an external reflexive mode and "feelings of a body" – an internal reflexive mode). These schemes-modes form so-called "a linguistic body" (V.A.Podoroga's expression), organized by means of language. Zh.Piazhe considered schemes of action as "a sensomotor equivalent of concept". According to this author, "the thought is the squeezed form of action". The thought-operating reflection which is carried out on the basis of understanding of requirements to system of movements and technological rules, is developed as diagnostic, situational and regulatory check of the actions and their critical evaluation. If control allows to define equivalent of action to requirements of a motive task, an assessment is their equivalent of program purpose. Let's note that biomechanical requirements are defined as criteria of rationality of sports technics, and technological rules are defined as criteria of efficiency of educational training.

Universal metaprograms, network modules and metatechnologies of educational training activity. It is known that traditional high school cognitive and regulatory methods of process of training allow the student to accumulate big "databases" (forming the thesaurus of "expert"), can deepen in a certain degree his knowledge (forming the thesaurus of "professional"), however it is difficult to such person to be beyond educational standards, to improve professional and pedagogical credo (competence-based abilities). We believe that the higher education has to be "superfluous" – a "overdisciplinary" complex of knowledge and abilities (systemacity and thinking creativity, analytical mind, abilities to comprehend and solve problems, "a mental and motive alert" – the condition of the maximum readiness for the productive training) is more important than subject and disciplinary knowledge acquired by the student.

Methods of the multiple-factor analysis which has been carried out by us (the doctoral dissertation E.V.Bystritska), allowed to reveal a number of professional and pedagogical qualities of the personality and activity of students of sports higher education institution which are formed at lectures and a practical training on pedagogics, psychology, a teaching technique: 1) personal orientation (intensions and dispositions) on self-education and self-training; 2) self-identification and self-actuating of the personality on the basis of transition from determination to self-determination; 3) disciplinary organized dialogue and emotional and expressional transaction (interpersonal interactions of partners in communication on the basis of adequate experiences); 4) search of the purposes and methods of achievement of the planned actions in a situation of the solution of knowledging and converting tasks on the basis of transition from stating strategy to the design-active strategy; 5) design-constructive thinking in problem and probabilistic field/space of professional knowledge-abilities; 6) technological effectiveness of knowledge at development and rationalization of "space of decisions" – according to "standard prescriptor" (operating instructions), operators of social perception and a modal assessment of results of actions. It must be kept in mind that the number of alternative decisions increases in process of growth subjectively-disciplinary and metaknowledge of students. Thus productive results can act as new incentive for further creativity.

The target attractors listed by us represent not information "databases", and self-regulatory knowledge (connected with an autoreflection, a mode of development of the personality) and self-regulatory values (connected with culture-creative, and not just in accordance with culture technologies). Here they are placed as the importance in the general educational structure of the personality. However level of professional experience raises as we noted above, at the expense of "overlap", "imposings of folds and seams" in system of knowledge-abilities, instead of replacement of one "streams of knowledge and competences" with others. This experience is in many respects improved as a result of so-called "intra text interactions" in structure of educational models. We pay attention of the reader to how in sphere of education transition is carried out from classical model of training (rigid "disciplinary approach" connected by programs of subject disciplines, which contents it is organized by state standards, technocratic methods of didactics) to self-actuating, self-managing and self-control (nonclassical type of education) and further – to self-realization, the self-development which basis are made by such need/possibility of interaction of the person and the world in which the initiative of interaction belongs to the person as to the subject of professional improvement. In this process psychologists see transition to neoclassical type of science and education.

Developed by us (S.V.Dmitriyev, E.V.Bystritskaya, D.I.Voronin) programmatically organized blocks-modules of knowledge-abilities-competences of the student/ sportsmen form "an educational compendium" of different level of complexity – open system of universal metaprograms, technologies of "a program producing" (from armor. praeducere – to build future decision, "to construct the road ahead of itself") and methods of the inseptive doctrine – "a clever asking", inducing to self-training. In blocks-modules the principle of an associativity of levels and stages is realized, when the link of one level/ stage is a component of another. Metaprograms treat as system of the strategies processing other subprogrammes (for example, algorithms of training, educational actions), and mental phenomena of probabilistically developing, stochastic processes. Here regulators of management of the subject and metasubject thinking, active organized consciousness and constructive activity of students/ sportsmen are very important. Metaprograms turn the student/ sportsmen from "knowing" into the "thinking" person – conceiving globally, problematically, critically, structurally. Metaprograms underlie in basis of modern metatechnologies which lean on "a factor of a gelikopter" (on C.B.Handy), expanding "a framework of a subject context" ("the hypertext of knowledge"). At the same time "the multisigning of knowledge", diversity of their "branching", "intertext" interactions goes deep. Here "animation methods" are necessary connected with disaggregation of subject- disciplinary system on more its small units – the massive of concrete details, interrelations and associations, "perceptual-mental maps" – with the subsequent them "iterative reunion" in structure of higher order. We carry to such structures so-called "transversal programs" and network training models.

"The transversal program" is difficult crossed system of communications and the relations between blocks-modules ("through", "heterarchical", "with heuristic rings"). Let's note that in modern educational programs continuous return (the principle of "a didactic ring") to subject-disciplinary material already mastered on the basis of the methods of “generalizations-reconstruction-specification-universalization” of acquired knowledge and mastered actions is carried out, as a rule. There are next key characteristics of network, transversal programs/ models: education not so much vertically organized system, how many a horizontal self-organizing net; in a net there are no organizations and structure communications in traditional sense; as primary sections of association the community and dialogue act; unlike rigidly organized system in network models possibility of a free combination of educational meanings and receiving unexpected conclusions are created; network knots – not unified standardized programmator, and original models, author's approaches, variable subject structures; the net is under construction not on "rationality" of educational initiatives, and on possibility of their contribution to permission of a certain scientific or sociocultural problem ("non-key competences"); in a network it is incomparable quicker, than in traditional system, innovations extend. The main characteristics of network management in the educational-training environment are decentralization and absence of the uniform center of decision-making; partial leadership at responsibility for deduction of the general space of meanings and activity; the broad specialization assuming the decision of "boundary problems". Educational network – space of active communication (on the basis of the principle of a dialogizm and feedback), providing a meeting of sovereign participants of network interaction. Thus, the network organization of educational training allows to solve in practice unsoluble otherwise (from above) problems of the state reforming and modernization of education.

Conclusion. It is known that the problem of optimization of education arises only when there is an area possible (including alternative) the decisions, assuming a freedom of choice (developments) of software. In materials of article not so much methods of "ready tasks decision " were discussed, how many generation, the formulation and development of ideas, plans and projects of creation of training programs on some innovative and futurological principles were discussed. Anthropic technologies, perceptual-mental, corporal-motive and technological taxises of sportsmen, transversal and network programs which will be developed in neoclassical pedagogics, will allow the student to see and transform the world through "identification matrixes" of the researcher, the designer,  the expert and the operator of their external and internal actions. These technologies demand from scientists and teachers in the sphere of physical culture considerable "implementation efforts". We hope that the new generation of researchers-technologists with gratitude will remember authors of "polemic ideas" which laid the foundation for educational innovations. It is important to mean that in clashes of views "wins won" – after all it multiplies the knowledge …

Information for communication with the author:   STAS@MTS-NN.RU