Factors of exercise performance of female athletes on stages of long-term training in fitness aerobics



M.V. Lagutina, postgraduate.
E.P. Gorbaneva, associate professor, Ph.D.
I.N. Solopov, professor, Dr.Biol. Volgograd state academy of physical culture, Volgograd
Key words: exercise performance, functional preparedness, fitness aerobics, long-term adaptation.

Introduction. Athletes' working capacity is a major condition in development of all basic physical qualities, the basis of the body’s ability to cope with strenuous specific loadings in the real sports environment [6, 9]. By now the problem of studying the factors, limiting it to some extent, has been researched and described in numerous works [2, 4, 7, 8, 9]. However, the data available in the literature concerning the factorial conditionality of athletes’ working capacity are shown mainly on the example of cyclic sports [3], leaving this problem understudied regarding female athletes involved in sports with comprehensive coordination.

So, the purpose of the study was to reveal the ratio of the contribution of the categories of the factors of functional impact, mobilization, economization and body balance to ensuring of working capacity of female athletes involved in fitness aerobics at phases of long-term adaptation.

Materials and methods. The set goal was obtained by studying 49 female athletes involved in fitness aerobics from 3 age categories, at different phases of long-term training: initial training (aged 10-11); sports perfection (aged 14-16); elite sports skills (aged 17-21). The integrated rheospiroergometric and psychodiagnostic studies were carried out using the following methods: anthropometry (body length and weight measurement); carpal dynamometry to estimate female athletes’ maximum capacity (MC), arterial tonometry; spirometry to register the indices of external breathing system (including lung vital capacity VC) with further vital index calculation (VC/weight) and thoracic rheography to record the indices of cardiovascular system (heart rate during rest (HRrest), systolic volume (SV), minute volume (MV), flow rate (FR), and left ventricular ejection fraction (WLV), along with the values of systolic (SI) and cardiac (CI) indices by means of the complex method of assessment "КМ-AR-01 Diamant"; Rosental’s spirometry testing; sensomotor methods (to measure latent and motor periods of time of response to high and low intense acoustic and light signals, moving object reaction (MOR), along with registration of results of tapping test in 5, 10, and 30 second time intervals) using the Longitude-EDS software system and test of general physical working capacity (PWC170). The 2-minute stepergic load was used as a specific test: stepping on the 20 cm high platform with the rate of 40 steps a min. Heart rate (HRspec), systolic (BPsspec) and diastolic (BPdspec) blood pressure were recorded immediately after exercises, and after 1 (B1) and 5 (B5) minutes of restoration. Loading intensity (Wspec), level of maximum oxygen consumption (SV/HR), and hemodynamic characteristics, such as pulse (PP) and average arterial (AAP) pressure, endurance index (EI) and circulatory performance index (CPI), oxygen pulse (OPspec.), index of stroke volume and heart rate ratio (SV/HR) were calculated. The obtained results were subjected to processing and correlation analysis to allocate the value of various categories of factors to ensure female athletes’ working capacity.

Results and discussion. The correlation analysis of the physiological functional impact indices and physical working capacity of female athletes involved in fitness aerobics at the initial training phase had revealed strong statistical relations between the PWC170 value and SV/HR indices, as well as systolic volume (SV). The average level of relations is detected with body weight indices, maximum capacity, minute blood volume and peak rate of hand movement (Table 1).

Table 1. The correlations of the value of physical working capacity and functional impact of female athletes of different ages (r)



Age-skill groups

10-11 year-olds

14-16 year-olds

17-21 year-olds


Body length




Body weight




















W left ventricular ejection fraction
















Tapping test (max. temp per 5 sec.)




At the phase of sports perfection physical working capacity of female athletes specialized in fitness aerobics intensifies the reliable correlations with the characteristics of total body sizes and muscle strength, characterizing physical development (body length, body weight, maximum capacity), and with the maximal rate of hand movement. Herewith, a moderate correlation with lung vital capacity (r = 0,400) arises, along with the lost correlation of physical working capacity and indices of cardiac performance (SV, MV).

The allocated characteristics agree with the literature data specifying the leading, dominant role of the indices of physical development and constitution, noticeably conditioning both special working capacity and sports result [1, 5, 10]. The allocated specific features are quite explicable due to more intensive training loads at the second phase of the long-term sports training, intended to develop special working capacity.

The level of physical working capacity of senior female athletes at the elite sports phase with advanced specialization of motor skills is correlated with the intensity of the cardiac forcing function (SV, VSO, Wlv) and ventilatory capacity (VC, VC/weight), ensuring body needs for oxygen delivery.

Hence, the level of physical working capacity is defined by numerous characteristics of functional impact of physiological body systems at different phases of long-term training in fitness aerobics. So at the phase of initial training, physical working capacity is stipulated by the maximum capacity of skeletal muscles, strength of nervous system and blood circulatory performance. At the phase of sports perfection these are the characteristics of physical development and strength of CNS nervous processes of female athletes that determine physical working capacity. The high level of physical working capacity at the elite sports phase is provided by the cardiac forcing function and pulmonary development.

The functional impact factors are marked to contribute most to ensuring the high level of physical working capacity of female athletes by the stage of sports perfection and still affect in some way at the final stage of the long-term training.

The study of the correlations between functional mobilization and PWC170 characteristics of multi-qualified female athletes specializing in fitness aerobics testifies to the strong statistical relations of the level of physical working capacity and mobilization of the characteristics of circulatory regenerative processes at the phase of initial training. The highest values of the correlation were detected in the characteristics of return to the operant rest level after specific cardiac physical load HR (r = 0,945; r =0,796) and average hemodynamic pressure (r = 0,688). Herewith, the PWC170 index is correlated with the state of the vascular component of circulatory system during training, for the average relation is revealed to the pulse pressure mobilization (r = 0,475) and speed and accuracy of reaction (Tab. 2).

Table 2. The correlations of the value of physical working capacity and indices of functional mobilization of female multi-aged athletes specializing in fitness aerobics (r)




Age groups













BPs1 /BPsrest
















Tapping test (10 sec in comfortable tempo)




Reaction latency to faint photic stimulus




Motor latency period to faint sound signal








As proved by the average statistical interrelation of PWC170 with the practiced rhythm of efferent motor neuron impulses (Tab. 2), lability of nervous system is among the crucial factors of functional mobilization in ensuring physical working capacity at the phase of sports perfection in fitness aerobics. The averages by the level of relation to mobilization of heart rate restoration after physical activity and information transfer rate via synapses were revealed at the final training phase.

As follows from the comparison of the number of reliable connections, the factors of functional mobilization of physiological systems make the greatest contribution to ensuring of physical working capacity at the stage of initial training in fitness aerobics.

According to the correlation analysis of the role of the factors of functional economization, strong and average connections with physical working capacity are inherent only to circulatory economization. Moreover, various sets of circulatory efficiency indices were revealed at different phases stipulating for the due level of physical working capacity. So, the studies revealed the average interrelation of physical working capacity and systolic and cardiac indices, circulatory performance index (CPI) and strong correlation with endurance index (r = 0,708) and index of stroke volume and heart rate ratio (SV/HR) (r = 0,713) at the initial training phase in fitness aerobics (Tab. 3).

At the phase of sports perfection the role of functional economization in ensuring of the due level of physical working capacity consists in the arising strong correlation with the value of oxygen pulse when training. By the final phase the relation of physical working capacity with OPspec, HRrest is intensified and the average interrelation with stroke index and SV/HR ratio remains (Tab. 3).

Table 3. The correlations of the value of physical working capacity and indices of functional economization of female multi-aged athletes (r)




Age groups

































Thus, the aspect of dependence of physical working capacity on the circulatory functional economization was mostly revealed at the final training phase. Meanwhile, the effect of the functional economization on physical working capacity is noted at initial sports training.

As follows from the studies of the correlation of physical working capacity and the functional stability indices of multi-aged female athletes and fitness level, the factors of the indices of central nervous system were proved to be the most essential (Tab. 4).

Table 4. The correlations of the value of physical working capacity and functional stability indices of multi-aged female athletes (r)




Age groups





Rosental’s test




Tapping test for 30 sec.




Tapping test, 1-st 5 sec.




Tapping test, 2-nd 5 sec.




Tapping test, 3-rd 5 sec.




Tapping test, 4-th 5 sec.




Tapping test, 5-th 5 sec.




Tapping test, 6-th 5 sec.




The specific feature of competitive exercises in fitness aerobics is the ability within two minutes to keep constant high rate of comprehensive-coordination movements at overall muscular work. In this connection, performance of such muscular activity demands much of functional stability of the body as in general, and first of all to stability of the functions of neuromuscular system. It is visible, that at the initial phase, physical working capacity of female fitness aerobists is closely related to resistance of motor nervous centers to the increased afferent impulsation from muscle proprioreceptors and maintenance of the high rate of afferent impulsation of motor neurons during 30 seconds (Tab. 4). By the phase of sports perfection the value of statistical connections of working capacity with stability of the neuromuscular apparatus decreases to the average level with the increase of lability and ability of the nervous centers to acquire the high rhythm of impulsation, and is maintained at that level up to the end of sports training.

Besides, physical working capacity at the initial phase has statistically high interrelation with stability to respiratory muscle fatigue which is also traced at the final phase of sports training.

It should be marked that the factors of functional stability of female athletes’ body are very important during all phases of long-term adaptation to specific muscular activity.

Herewith, the contribution of various categories of factors to maintenance of physical working capacity essentially differs at phases of long-term adaptation (fig.).

In the present research female athletes’ physical working capacity at the initial training phase in fitness aerobics is determined basically by the high level of the factors forming the category of functional mobilization of physiological systems of the body. At the same time, functional stability and power do matter.

At the intermediate stage (sports perfection and profound specialization) the factors of functional power reach the highest value in ensuring the high level of physical working capacity of female athletes along with the factors of the stability and efficiency categories.

The stability and efficiency factors have the leading role in maintaining the significance level of the factors of functional power at the final phase of the long-term training (elite sports skill).


  1. Physical working capacity normally increases with the rise of qualification and age of female athletes, provided by the integrated development of all components of body functional preparedness and significant build-up of functional reserves.
  2. The role of different physiological factors in providing physical working capacity of female athletes involved in fitness aerobics is subject to changes at the phases of long-term adaptation to muscle work.
  3. At the initial phase of adaptation to physical loadings the factors of functional mobilization play the key role in providing physical working capacity along with functional stability and power.
  4.  At the intermediate phase functional power factors acquire the main role along with now insignificant factors of functional mobilization and maintaining the average levels of significance of stability and efficiency.
  5. At the final phase the efficiency and stability factors are determinative along with importance of functional power factors.


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Author’s contacts: masha-lag@mail.ru, 8-917-332-43-40