Formation of motivational sphere of personality subject attitude in conditions of sports activity



E.A. Parkhomenko, associate professor, Ph.D. Kuban state university of physical culture, sport and tourism, Krasnodar
Key words: subjectness, sports activity, motivational sphere, social adaptation, elite sport, team and individual sports, teen and youth sport.

Introduction. Generally, the motivational personality sphere is correlated with the needs that naturally determine human behavior. The motive is a subjective reflection of the needs mediated by the social status of the personality. Motives make a person set goals of activity, resulting in the interests changed via actions based on the value orientations [9, P. 60-78].

Personality's professionalization supposes formation of subject’s professional activity, along with professional motivation, learning the operational content of profession, development of professional self-determination and realization of his place in the professional environment [8].

According to B.G. Anan’ev, the position of the personality as a subject of public conduct and social activity is a complex system of relationship of a personality with society in general and himself, a set of guidelines and motives for activity, target and value system [1].

Personality as a subject of activity not only develops its professional skills, but feels the personal need to activity organization and self-regulation [3, P. 206-230].

The purpose of the study was to allocate and form the motivational sphere of the personality's subject position within sports activity, as well as allocate favorable conditions for the optimal realization of athletes in sport along with personality development and sports results.

Materials and methods. The sample was made of approximately 500 persons, who were distributed in three age groups in the study: juvenile, youth and period of young adulthood, and included male and female athletes engaged in team (football, handball) and individual (national rowing) sports and a group of coevals not involved in sport.

The indices of sociopsychological adaptation, estimated by the questionnaire by Rogers and Dymond revised by A.K. Osnitsky, served the main indicator of formation of subjectness [6, P. 54-63]. The peculiarities of the personality’s motivation frame are established using the V.E. Milman’s methods [4, P. 23-43.].

Results and discussion. The sociological study revealed the factors contributing to and preventing from formation of subjectness among children of juvenile, youth age and in the period of young adulthood, engaged in sport.

The involvement of athletes, in, actually, professional activity affects the personality’s motivational sphere, which is especially noticeable in the group of 12-15-year-olds, engaged in team (football, handball) and individual (national rowing) sports, as the strive for attention and respect from adults (family, trainer) are important for teens involved in sports activity. The indices of their ability to control situations in their life increase when they feel more comfortable.

The involvement in some kind of activity, which is commonly masculine, must make it difficult for girls aged 12-15 engaged in team (football, handball) and individual (national rowing) sports to master the gender role, as it results in formation of masculine behavioral patterns in them, which was proved by the findings [2, 7]. Learning of the masculine behavioral pattern by girls can be considered as a positive impact on the motivational-need sphere of a juvenile personality, which is proved by the peculiarities of socialization, personality and professional self-determination, as according to the literature sources it is the masculine behavioral pattern that is most adaptive in the modern society.

The specific dynamics of formation of the motivational profile depending on the educational environment (sports, educational) is characteristic for juvenile athletes, similar to their coevals not engaged in sport, which makes it difficult to form the personality’s subject position, complicates socialization, personality and professional self-determination, which is especially seen in female handball players and national rowers.

Sports render a multidirectional influence on the athlete’s personality development and formation of their relations with adults (family, trainer). The advantage of athletes over the ones not engaged in sport in development of personality’s subject features is a positive aspect of the influence of sports occupations, making athletes active in arranging their life journey. The negative aspect of the influence of sports occupations is the change of standard course of relationship with others who are important, provoked by competition and severity of the environment.

Juvenile and youth ages are an important period in formation of subjectness, as the system of value orientations and personality attitudes forms during this period.

Both male and female elite athletes engaged in team (football, handball) and individual (national rowing) sports, same as their coevals not involved in sport, have the specific dynamics of formation of the motivational profile in view of the educational environment (sports, working), which complicates formation of personality’s subject position, soialization, personality and professional self-determination. It is especially noticeable in such specializations as handball and national rowing.

Conclusion. Proceeding from the theoretical ideas on the main directions of mental development in juvenile, youth age and the youth adulthood period and specifics of sports activity, success in sports career can be predicted in conditions of the early professionalization at different phases of their training.

In view of the defined components of the motivational sphere of the personality's subject position a system of psychological support of athletes' training can be designed in conditions of the early professionalization by accumulating personality resources to provide for the full-value realization of the developing potential of sports career.


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