Technique of physical training of 8-10-year-old kickboxers using respiratory maneuvers


A.S. Mikhaylov, candidate


A.S. Mikhaylov, candidate, Tchaikovsky state institute of physical culture, Tchaikovsky
Key words: kickboxers, younger school age, respiration, respiratory maneuvres.
On the modern stage within humanitarization of education the attention to the environmental approach is intensified. The situation that environment is capable of formation of a personality type (via way of life) and development of personal identity, that determines its role in human life activity, promotes considering it as a potential method of mediated control over schoolchild’s socialization.
The use of the environmental approach in studies of the physical and sport environment promotes allocation of perspectives of its improvement in the aspect of increase of efficiency of physical education [6]. New qualitative characteristics of physical and sport environment, ensuring realization of new functions become the main object of scientific studies. Thus one of the key problems is to search for capacities of intensification of the educative effect on the personal spiritual and moral sphere by means of physical culture. Here we consider spiritual development as social development, in the course of which a schoolchild is introduced into the system of social relations for the purpose of mastering of sociocultural experience and formation of sociovalue qualities.
The factors of integration of the educational and physical and sport environments important for schoolchild’s self-realization are as follows: focus on the optimum psychophysical state of a schoolchild; introduction of health protecting technologies into different forms of education; prevention of motor deprivation of handicapped and retarded children.
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