The principles of integration of training and physical education and sports environments


S.Yu. Schetinina, associate professor, Ph.D., Pacific state university, Khabarovsk
Key words: integration, training and physical education and sports environment, principles, humanitarian paradigm, environmental approach, physical education of schoolchildren.
On the modern stage of development of education integration is turning into the leading trend and is shown in all basic subsystems as a growth of their unity and interaction and promotes solution of educational issues.
The environment of education and sports and physical training can be integrated in case of organization of the new integrated training and physical education and sports environments, intensifying the training orientation and decreasing the impact of negative environmental factors, including the change of modes and activities among pupils within the teaching and educational process.
The principles of integration of the training and physical education and sports environments are proved by the environmental approach. Its humanitarian mission of the environmental approach is in training, discovery and development of pupil's potential.
The training and physical education and sports environments are being realized in accordance with the integral, optimal, regional, system, harmony, humanization principles along with the principles of health protection and promotion, variation, dynamics, axiology, diversification, competency, interaction of public organizations and is a mechanism of enhancement of physical education of schoolchildren.
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