Theoretical and methodological approaches to psychological support of sports activity


V.V. Nakhodkin, associate professor, Ph.D.


Theoretical and methodological approaches to psychological support of sports activity
V.V. Nakhodkin, associate professor, Ph.D., M.K. Ammosov's Northern-Western federal university, Yakutsk
Key words: methodological approaches, sport, sports activity, psychological support, trainer-athlete, athlete-trainer, model, man as a subject of sports work, efficiency motivation, competency.
Today sport is one of the aspects of our modern culture and social life with its contents, structure, rules and mechanisms of manifestation. Staginess of sport attracts millions of people. Sport is not only s sports fight on arenas and tracks of stadiums, but our way of life where we compete every day, a sphere of personality and self-image formation, where dreams and wishes come true, where everybody can find his place. Sport is most frequently an experience of overcoming difficulties and self-victories, experience of defeat and ability to cope with it.
The purpose of the present research was to theoretical and methodological substantiation of the problem of psychological support of sports activity. By the just remark of A.V. Rodionov, psychological training is an educative process, aimed at personality development by forming a corresponding system of relations. It facilitates transition of unstable character mental state to stable one, i.e. personality feature. Herewith, psychological training of junior athlete for a long-term training process is realized, firstly, by continuous development and perfection of motives of sports training and, secondly, by creation of favorable attitude to various aspects of training process. Modern sport is a developed infrastructure, an integral part of world culture, industry of material and spiritual values, producing and reproducing human psychological world – athlete's and trainer's personality. By now there exist all conditions and preconditions for participation of psychological science in "human sports production".
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