Innovative approach to organization of classes of physical culture for students
Innovative approach to organization of classes of physical culture for students
A.Z. Zinnatnurov, associate professor, Ph.D., A.V. Kuznetsov, Branch of Ufa state petroleum technological university, Salavat
Key words: students, optimization, physical fitness, educational process, health saving.
The purpose of the present research was to substantiate the innovative approach to the content and organization of university physical education.
Existing publications were proved to lack the single methodological approach to improvement of the educational process of students' physical education, promoting a clear answer to the question on how to get the most remarkable effect from students' classes of physical education within limited time, expressed in the increase of the overall level of exercise performance, strong health, all-round development and training of physical properties.
As follows from the analysis, despite the decree of Ministry of Education of the RF № 1025 "On organization of the process of physical education in comprehensive institutions of primary, secondary and higher professional education", binding university rectors not only to provide organization of the process of physical education in compliance with the current state educational standards, but also stipulate for allocation of 408 hours for the discipline "Physical culture" in the curriculum on all directions and specialties of higher education in the cycle of general humanitarian and socioeconomic disciplines, in the majority of universities instead of 4 semesters stipulated by the All-Russian basic curriculum. Not only the lecture course and methodical and practical classes are lacking, but often studies are substituted by various competitions and sports mass events.
Today a certain trend to some decrease of the level of all-round physical fitness takes place, specifically among girls. The recently allocated increase of hypertension, vegetovascular dystonia and neurotization of students in the last decade is especially alarming, stipulated by the low bioenergetics potential and insufficient psychophysical fitness.
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