Technology of personality-focused physical education in higher professional educational institutions
Technology of personality-focused physical education in higher professional educational institutions
M.Yu. Ilyukhina, candidate, Russian state university of physical culture, sport, youth and tourism (SCOLIPC), Moscow
Key words: educational process, physical education, institutions of higher professional education, personality self-actualization, technology of planning ofeducational process, structure of educational process.
The role of individual personality is gaining its significance in the modern society, requiring from professional educational institutions personal development of students based on their natural and genetic potential.
The purpose of the present research was theoretical and technological substantiation of optimization of university physical education based on the personalityfocused content of students' physical and sports activity.
The pedagogical experience aimed at studies of effectiveness of the subjected technology shown positive changes in the students' personal development, their active attitude to organization of the process of education. The present technique promotes a real transition from strictly regulated physical education to active and independent form of physical and sports activity. The essence of the personality-focused educational process on university physical education is that it should be considered as a method of students' personal development and teachers' professional personal growth in the integral unity.
The introduction of personality-focused technologies to the educational process as the most effective method of physical, mental and spiritual development of the student youth will be a perspective direction of optimization of the existing system of physical education.
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