The use of integrated training method for beginning tennis players
The use of integrated training method for beginning tennis players
Din' Hung Chiong, postgraduate student, Russian state university of physical culture, sport, youth and tourism (SCOLIPC), Moscow
Key words: tennis, test, integrated training, technique.
Effective performance of sport work is defined by a number of skills, among which motor, cognitive, sensomotor properties and skills. In professional tennis playing practice the high level of psychomotor and speed-power properties is shown while realizing basic techniques. However beginning junior tennis players still lack the psychomotor and motor basis to realize playing skills, without which playing activity is ineffective. The use of such training means is required, promoting simultaneous solution of the tasks of optimization of the process of physical education and improvement of junior athletes' overall and special fitness. The method of integrated training obviously corresponds to these tasks, promoting purposeful development of "associated" psychomotor properties, along with single physical properties in its interaction, directly affecting playing activity. Integrated training is an effective form of organization of trainings, where training means are not mechanically alternated, but united in a single structure. Every next element of training is a logical continuation of development of the previous one. Such a methods approach is effective in work with 10-aged junior tennis players on the stage of initial sports training.
The purpose of the research was to form all-round fitness of tennis players. It consists of training means and methods of training aimed at development of necessary skills and properties along with psychological training for development of mental properties and skills for its use while playing.
The means and method of integrated training render a favorable effect on the level of overall fitness of beginning tennis players aged 10. It concerns some parts of physical and psychological fitness, associated with manifestations of motor and psychomotor properties. Integrated training affects mainly the process of physical development and improvement of overall and special fitness of junior athletes.
The positive effect of the means and methods of integrated training is marked on realization of junior tennis players' potentials in playing activity (quick start and spurts, speed endurance, reaction to change in opponent's actions and preemptive counteractions in response to his actions).
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