The use of skiing training as body-conditioning method on initial training stage in karate
The use of skiing training as body-conditioning method on initial training stage in karate
M.A. Dudkin, candidate, Noginsk branch of Moscow state regional university, Noginsk
Key words: martial arts, long-term sports training, initial stage of long-term training, body-conditioning, skiing training.
Training of sports reserve of the modern stage of social development requires an integrated approach to training process, the use of innovative approaches and advanced technologies. Much attention is paid to standardization of both educational process in physical education and training process in sport.
Body-conditioning is one the basic parts of sports training, a base for sports achievements, is used on all stages of long-term sports training, provides for expansion of motor potential, training of physical properties and positive transfer of motor skill. In view of age and sensitive features the targets and tasks of body-conditioning on every stage of training has its specifics and should be taken into account. Moreover, much attention in the work of conditioning programs should be paid to the reasonable application of conditioning means regarding selected sport.
The purpose of the present research was to determine the value of skiing training as a conditioning method on the initial stage of training in karate. Sample karate curricula presuppose the use of skies as body-conditioning means within school curriculum of the corresponding age. The use of skiing training as a body-conditioning method in martial arts and karate in particular is stipulated by a number of reasons.
In the last years the volume of body-conditioning has been decreasing, affecting negatively the level of athletes' performance. Many trainers formalize conditioning recommendations, focusing on only technical aspects, deliberately limiting the range of capacities of their athletes. All-round work of the aspect of use of skiing training as body-conditioning of karatekas on the initial stage of long-term training proved the real rise of such physical properties as endurance and agility. Furthermore, the use of special technical exercises facilitated better improvement of karate technique.
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