Solution of tasks of techncial training in system of long-term training in martial arts
Solution of tasks of techncial training in system of long-term training in martial arts
D.S. Alkhasov, Ph.D., Noginsk branch of Moscow state regional university, Noginsk
Key words: martial arts, long-term sports training, teaching sports technique.
Technical training as one of the basic parts of training is realized in the course of long-term sports training, where the targets of technical mastering are changed on every stage, reflecting didactic approaches to teaching motor skills and abilities in sport the view of sensitive periods and specific features of age development, general teaching principles and foundations of sports training. In sports referred to martial arts the system of long-term sports training is underdeveloped, including such an important part as technical training. It mainly associated with the false idea of distinctions (both from other sports or each other) specific only for martial arts, preventing from their complete introduction to the system of sports training. Certainly, martial arts have its distinctive features if considering them as arts. However, in the system of children's sport they develop as kinds of sport with all the inherent features.
The system of perennial training in martial arts, inclusive of such an essential part as technical training, was considered by the authors in various scientific publications.
The purpose of the present research was to search for the ways of solution of technical training tasks in the system of perennial training in martial arts.
The logics of solution of the tasks of technical training in the system of long-term training based on common approaches and principles, realized within training of sports reserve, is subjected in the paper.
The recommended means and methods of technical training and pedagogical criteria of the level of mastering of exercises realize modern requirements to organization of educational and training process generally and technical training in particular.
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