Innovative directions in training of experts in physical culture within positioning on modern service market
Innovative directions in training of experts in physical culture within positioning on modern service market
M.B. Musakaev, professor, Ph.D., director of Sterlitamak college of physical culture, Sterlitamak
Key words: educational services, labor market, vocational training, innovative direction.
The purpose of the present research was to allocate innovative directions in expert training in physical culture in conditions of creation of the educative line "college-university".
The main goal of activity in the sphere was defined as stimulation of the interest in the quality of modern expert training, neutralization of stereotypes, which if distributed render a negative influence on the image of educational institution, that laid the basis of design of the corresponding program.
Consolidation of efforts of institute scientists, practicing teachers, trainers, methodists, administrators of physical education in preschool educational institutions and experts in adaptive physical culture using scientific and methods potential of college and university potential to establish a resource center aimed at training, retraining and professional development of experts in the field of physical culture and sport is assumed to be a perspective idea. It will be an innovative project of design of the model of institution of a new type with the following probable basic directions of activity: scientific and methods work on studies of acute problems and needs in the field of personnel policy in the sphere of physical culture, sport and tourism; work, approval and introduction of scientifically based technologies of personnel training; professionally-focused, vocational training and retraining; informational support of scientific and methods and innovative educational activity.
The quality of expert training in physical education is assumed to be completely correspondent to the requirements of the modern service market in case of realization of the directions stipulated above.
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