Social adaptation of hearing-impaired by means of freestyle wrestling (case study of Sakha Republic-Yakutia)


V.V. Uighurov


Social adaptation of hearing-impaired by means of freestyle wrestling (case study of Sakha Republic-Yakutia)
V.V. Uighurov. V.G. Torgovkin, associate professor, Ph.D. Ammosov Institute of physical culture and sport of North-Eastern federal university, Yakutsk
Key words: rehabilitation of the handicapped, hearing-impaired, single combat, means and methods of physical training of athletes.
In modern Russian society the handicapped are the ones who most of all need social group support. They feel strong social, cultural and spiritual alienation, are not capable of proper communication, work or learning. Herewith the individual as any other man is a personality with positive and negative features.
The use by the hearing-impaired of physical culture undoubtedly facilitates expansion of the range of their motor activity. However, the aspect of using means and methods of physical culture is still understudied. The search for optimization of the contents of physical activity by means of physical culture and sport is insufficiently active.
The purpose of the research was to establish the opportunity of using freestyle wrestling occupations to improve the level of social adaptation and integration of hearing-impaired children into modern society.
The majority of hearing-impaired boys in the age of 15–17 have some faults in posture, obesity, first and second degree platypodia etc.
The use of freestyle wrestling educative-training occupations were proved to facilitate not only increase of fitness level of the ones who study but also social adaptation of the hearing-impaired in modern society.
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