The role of technical-tactical actions in training of hockey-players on stage of profound specialization
The role of technical-tactical actions in training of hockey-players on stage of profound specialization
V.A. Blinov, Ph.D. Siberian state university of physical culture and sport, Moscow. V.V. Plotnikov. Ufimian state academy of economy and service, Ufа
Key words: junior hockey, competitive period, technical-tactical training, technical-tactical actions.
The boost of sportsmanship in children's hockey requires from experts detailed studies of tactical training that is key from the stage of profound specialization in the competitive period, and search for capacities of its further improvement. Technical-tactical training contains of technical-tactical axctions: individual, group and team ones.
Proceeding from the review of specialized guidance literature the conducted studies refer mainly to elite hockey-players, where planning and control of training, physical, tactical and technical training are considered and in researches on junior hockey-players - the role of individual, group and team technicaltactical actions in the competitive period is not clear.
The purpose of the research was to allocate essential technical-tactical actions in tactical training of hockey-players on the stage of profound specialization in the competitive period.
The received results of the trainers' questionnaire promote allocation of the role of technical-tactical actions in improvement of technical-tactical mastership of junior hockey-players and effectively plan of he used technical-tactical means in the educative and training process.
Orientation on the leading technical-tactical actions in technical-tactical training and assessment of the level of mastering these actions in training of 13–14-year-old hockey-players in the competitive period facilitate qualitative control of training and competitive processes.
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