Intersubject approach in physical education of schoolchildren with health deviations


L.D. Nazarenko, professor, Dr.Hab.


Intersubject approach in physical education of schoolchildren with health deviations
L.D. Nazarenko, professor, Dr.Hab. I.N. Timoshina, professor, Dr.Hab. L.A. Parfenova, associate professor, Ph.D. Ulyanovsk state pedagogical university, Ulyanovsk
Key words: optimization of physical education, intersubject manner, integrative approach, cultural-historical heritage.
The author's research project was meant for theoretical experimental assessment of effectiveness of pedagogical conditions of physical education in the experimental group.
The purpose of the research was estimation of recreational effectiveness of pedagogical conditions of physical education in the experimental group by means of studying medical cards of children from the control and experimental groups within the experiment. Frequency and duration of sickness were analyzed.
The subjected innovative pedagogical technology of physical education of pupils with health deviations, worked based on the integral approach with the use of cultural-historical heritage of the Ulyanovsk region, had proved its advisability and effectiveness. Its realization promotes considerable improvement of the quality of physical education of schoolchildren with different nosologies.
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