Criteria of selection of children in Vietnamese ping-pong sports schools
Criteria of selection of children in Vietnamese ping-pong sports schools
G.V. Barchukova, professor, Dr.Hab. Ho Man Cheng, postgraduate student. Russian state university of physical culture, sport, youth and tourism (SCOLIPC), Moscow
Key words: ping-pong, profile selection, model.
The boost of achievements in the world sport, specifically ping-pong, requires constant search for new, more effective means, methods and organizational forms of training of sports reserves. The research problems of selection of talented children in the age of 6-8 for teaching them in children's sport schools, children's sport schools of Olympic reserve, schools of elite sportsmanship and sports clubs of Vietnam are of special importance.
The purpose of the present research was to work and theoretically substantiate criteria facilitating construction of the polyfunctional model of profile selection of children for their further education at sport schools.
The received results gave the basis for development of the concept of selection of 6–8-year-old children from Vietnam to ping-pong sport schools focused on creation of favorable conditions for children with different morphophysiological, physical and psychological abilities, recognition of the value of each of them. The studies revealed internal resources and teaching mastership of trainers and talented children for their ping-pong specialization.
The studies proved perspectiveness of the focused selection of children to sport schools, new concepts within their selection are introduced, specifically imprinting, memorizing, authorization, initiation, considered as constituents of the complicated system of "trainer-child-parents" interaction.
Therefore, the study promoted creation and substantiation of the model of sport selection of children for teaching them to play ping-pong.
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