System of teaching technique of martial arts on initial training stage


D.S. Alkhasov, Ph.D.


System of teaching technique of martial arts on initial training stage
D.S. Alkhasov, Ph.D. Noginsk branch of Moscow state regional university, Noginsk
Key words: martial arts, long-term sports training, teachiing sports technique.
The problem of structuring of martial arts technique and understanding it as a single system is still understudied and hardly systemized. Generally, the solution of single matters is suggested with practically lacking firm relation to the approved system of long term training of Olympic reserve.
The purpose of the present research was methods substantiation of the system of teaching martial arts technique on the stage of initial training.
Systematization of methods components promotes rational and effective teaching technique to junior athletes, providing technical basis for formation of athletes’ sportsmanship.
The problem situation consists in allocation of the optimum number of reps of every technical element to achieve its required quality of initial motor skill, full-value motor skill and ability. Formation of motor skill is based on conditioned activity. It must be due to the fact that formation of motor skill is longterm work and estimation of the level of mastering of technique on the level of initial and full-value motor skill is considered by trainers as a transitional and ultimately indecisive phase. However, it can result in the inadequate use of means and methods of teaching, that, in its turn, will handicap formation of rational technique or even prevent from it and consequently – slow down sports results in the future.
The integral process of teaching martial arts technique can be understood in case of realizing the correlation of pedagogical conditions for solutions of the teaching tasks. Here the stage of initial training, where the base of sports technique is being laid is of especially essential.
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